If DOGE is really going to show how the sausage is made, then it cannot shy away from the most horrific abuses committed in the shadows: experimentation on animals. Obviously, the fraud and waste component will be exposed like every other type, but this specific spending deserves its own special ethical exposure: a Congressional Committee, full investigation by any relevant Inspector General and an independent auditing firm. Not only for expenses, whether it be private or taxpayer, but what was done. What laws are on the books to allow this. What laws were broken. Who lobbied for and benefited from these laws. What was done by private enterprise and by government agencies. What was done on public record and what was omitted. What institutions, companies and personnel physically committed these experiments. Everything about this that has the possibility of being made public should be made public. It is only when the public at large has a grasp of the scale and horror will we not only support strict animal cruelty laws (testing, food production and pet ownership) but become so viscerally and fundamentally disgusted with the current bureaucracy that achieving public support for the more abstract and controversial changes turns into a cakewalk. Make the opposition defend the Animal Holocaust so that they lose the little credibility they have left. It is only then we’ll be able to finally put an end to this barbarism.