Animal Welfare in the US

Can you PLEASE OUTLAW the euthanasia of healthy, homeless, domestic animals by shelters and veteranarians in the US? We need to shut down puppy/cat mills and require sterilization of all animals instead. It’s barbaric to kill healthy animals in shelters. Shelters need help sustaining their animal residents instead of killing them. If people want to breed cats/dogs to maintain recognized breeds, it should be VERY LIMITED, and there should be a VERY LOW annual maximum.

Also, can you PLEASE OUTLAW ALL varieties of animal testing in the US or by companies based in the US??? There should not be a SINGLE animal of ANY type used in a lab for experiments. There are better options in modern science.

Third, can you PLEASE OUTLAW inhumane factory slaughter, or culling without prior proof of infection for EACH animal, of food animals in the US? We can figure out more humane and ethical means of slaughter than what we have now, and we need to STOP killing an entire farm of animals if only one is actually ill. Also, PLEASE OUTLAW mRNA vaccines, growth hormones, and feeding animals their own species (think madcow disease) in our food animals.

Fourth, can you PLEASE OUTLAW the sale of equines in the US to other countries for food? Aged equines should be sent to a sanctuary instead.

Finally, can you PLEASE OUTLAW the killing of wild animals for being a “nuisance” or for “sport” in the US? “Nuisance” wild animals should be relocated to a more suitable environment or sent to a sanctuary, and sport killing for trophies is disgusting. We are better than this!