Band All Animal Testing of any kind

Policy Proposal: Ban on All Animal Testing in the United States

Animal testing has long been a controversial practice, raising significant ethical concerns regarding the welfare of animals. Despite advancements in alternative testing methods, millions of animals are still subjected to painful and lethal experiments each year. This policy proposes a comprehensive ban on all animal testing in the United States, emphasizing the need for humane treatment of animals and the adoption of modern, non-animal testing methods.


  1. Ethical Considerations:
    Animal testing often subjects animals to extreme suffering and distress. Procedures can include exposure to toxic substances, surgical interventions, and forced inhalation or ingestion of harmful chemicals. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA), which aims to regulate the treatment of animals in research, has significant limitations. It excludes certain species such as rats, mice, and birds, which constitute the majority of animals used in research.

  2. Scientific Advancements:
    Modern science has developed numerous alternatives to animal testing that are more reliable and humane. In vitro (test tube) techniques, computer modeling, and human tissue-based methods provide accurate and efficient results without causing harm to animals. These alternatives are often more cost-effective and can provide data that is more relevant to human health.

  3. Statistical Evidence:
    According to the Humane Society International, over 100 million animals are used in laboratory experiments worldwide each year. In the United States alone, it is estimated that approximately 25 million animals are used annually. Despite the high number of animals used, the success rate of translating animal research to human treatments is alarmingly low. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that over 90% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human trials.

  4. Public Opinion:
    There is growing public opposition to animal testing. Surveys conducted by organizations such as the Pew Research Center indicate that a significant majority of Americans are concerned about the ethical implications of animal testing and support the development and use of alternative methods.

Policy Proposal:

  1. Immediate Ban on Animal Testing:
    The United States shall implement an immediate and comprehensive ban on all forms of animal testing, including but not limited to, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical safety, and academic research.

  2. Promotion of Alternative Methods:
    The government shall invest in and promote the development and implementation of alternative testing methods. Funding shall be allocated to research institutions and companies that are pioneering humane and innovative testing techniques.

  3. Strengthening the Animal Welfare Act:
    The Animal Welfare Act shall be amended to provide broader protections, including the inclusion of all species commonly used in research. Stricter enforcement mechanisms shall be established to ensure compliance with the ban on animal testing.

  4. Public Awareness Campaign:
    A nationwide campaign shall be launched to educate the public and stakeholders about the ethical, scientific, and economic benefits of banning animal testing. This campaign will highlight successful case studies and advancements in alternative testing methods.

Banning animal testing in the United States is a necessary step towards ensuring the humane treatment of animals and advancing scientific research. By adopting alternative methods and strengthening existing regulations, the United States can lead the way in ethical and innovative testing practices. This policy not only aligns with public sentiment but also promotes a more compassionate and scientifically sound approach to research and development.


Animals have no souls and unless you have been relieved of a chronic illness with answers provided by this testing, find another cause please.

Seems like you don’t have a soul either my dear. These poor animals do not have a Voice and us humans with souls are speaking for them to be free from this. Do more studying before you tell me to find “another cause” this platform isn’t to bash people for what they believe in. If you came on here to just do that then go on Facebook or Instagram and do that. This is for people who want to speak up and make America great again.

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No. We do need to make sure laboratory animals are well cared for and not tortured. Unfortunately, the use of tissue cultures and computer models are not complex enough to cover every biochemistry reaction the real body makes. Therefore, there will always be a need to use animals as human surrogates for medication reactions and toxicity studies, disease progression studies, and n w surgical intervention studies. These studies can also help the test subject species as well as humans.
If we only used tissue culture or computer models for SARS-COV-1 studies we would not have known that the mRNA vaccines tested could cause more problems in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. We would not have figured out that cats are lacking the enzyme needed to breakdown Tylenol and what that lack does.