
So, I have an idea that I would like feedback on. So to start, we are all immigrants unless you are full blooded Indian. I believe in immigration and the American dream. I have seen firsthand in my experience companies who hire illegals and pay them cash under the table. I truly believe there are many illegal immigrants in this country who are here because they want a better life for them and their families. I absolutely love this country and I am absolutely a patriot. My idea is this. What if the good people who are here illegally had to go through a set time frame of good behavior and could then apply and become citizens. So it would go like this. They would first apply for a federal ID #. Not a SS# (because that would make them US citizens). Then they would have to abide by a set of rules. This could be adjusted however. For example, a 10 year period with no felonies or misdemeanors, no gang affiliations, must hold a job and pay taxes the entire time, no threats against US, etc. Like I said you could make the stipulations what you want. Then as long as they followed them (basically no living off the government, no crime, hold a job) they could apply and get their citizenship after the 10 years or said time frame. I truly believe that immigration should be possible for people who want a better life and ate only here for that and not to threaten our country or attack us from the inside. To completely deport every illegal would cost us billions. Why not let the good ones stay and help support the economy. As soon as anyone who applied for a federal ID committed a crime they would automatically be deported. I agree that we should start with the illegals who are criminals and in our jails and in gangs, then go from there. Please let me know what your thoughts are.