Our children are growing up in a stress-filled world. Social media, smart phones, constant notifications, and constant over-stimulation (among others) are affecting our kids’ mental health. Many parents are not involved or not equipped to recognize or deal with a child’s mental health challenges. Additionally, many children may be suffering from abuse at the hands of their own parents. Our kids need someone to talk to them and make sure they’re okay .
Having a trained, mental health professional on staff and active around the school is a good idea, but requiring that every child meet with that person individually on a set schedule is NOT. I worked in law enforcement. We are trained to pick up on cues that a child might be abused or suffering from mental illness. In a school setting, teachers, police liaison (plain clothes!) officers, guidance counselors, and even a staff (mental health) counselor can and should all be trained to make such important observations, but…. Let the kids be kids. Foster the love of learning in an environment filled with creative opportunities and activities that help them grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Don’t “helicopter parent” at an institutional level.
Absolutely not acceptable. Parents need more control not less. Mental health has been used as a hammer for everything from ADHD drugging to gender transitioning. This involves trusting a school system that has proven itself untrustworthy.