Licensed therapist in schools

Having licensed child therapist/psychiatrist in schools not just counselors. I understand they also go to school and earn a degree but some children need actual therapy not just counseling. Counseling is there as a short term fix but therapy could help children find more long term goals and help for their issues. This could potentially help many children that have issues at home are being bullied or are bullying figure out why they’re doing it and ways to work on it. I believe this would be a great way to help many of the kids. Maybe some parents aren’t able to get their children outside help and if this could be provided in school it could help these children out a lot. Our children are the future and we should help them be the best they can be even if it’s just to have the kids go to a couple sessions at school to determine if they should seek outside help and get referred in the right direction. I hope this is at least given some thought and maybe we can see this happen. Even just a few sessions could save a life.


Mindy thank you for this submission.
I have some growing topics on the subject -
Re: Mental Health education for Young People

Part of the issue you identify here, may be that children simply do not know how to identify the experience of themselves. If this is the case, their Parents may not know how to identify it either. Which, means it comes down to someone like - a teacher, or school aide.

This is troubling because it means that we are leaving the situation in the hands of fate, and essentially waiting for some kind of incident or catastrophe to “reveal the condition”. Frankly speaking, this is bullsht* and completely unfair to the naive child.

Please come and submit your ideas, and build on this. I will soon add your policy to the collection of others that relate to this, so others who view my thread can see it as well. :pray:t2:

You won’t get a child and adolescent psychiatrists. There’s a shortage and because of this they all love to charge cash (all while at the same time shouting from the rooftops the less advantaged don’t have access to child and adolescent psychiatrists)

It’s absolutely ridiculous the children that are having real issues need help. If we can help them at a young age it makes their life easier in the long run.

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I agree. Sometimes on an outpatient basis and adult psychiatrist will see lower children on a case by case basis as they do have training in child and adolescent psychiatry (several months vs 2 years for a CAP psychiatrist). There needs to be a greater push for CAP to see everday folks too, not just the worried well.