Required Mental Health Screenings

Much like we need proof of vaccines, physicals, dental records, etc. within the school system, we should also be requiring mental health screenings for all students. Not only that, tax dollars should be able provide the recommended therapy, family counseling and medications at no cost for students.,sharp%20increases%20year%20by%20year.


Interesting point. Please develop this further, I would like to work on this with you.

I am linking this policy under my ā€œumbrellaā€ : MAHA for Mental Health.

Please visit and read other peopleā€™s proposals. I am the one curating it for now.

I believe anyone working in the school system should be screened too. Way to many pedos out there and cruel people.

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Thatā€™s very subjective.

Teachers, principals, janitorial staff, etc., should be screened also if you want to go down this trail.

Itā€™s a dangerous trail. Some government funded organisationā€™s idea of what mental issues are and here you go with ridiculous labels being put on people for potential agendas to keep the "undesirable " persons from interacting any longer.

Thatā€™s getting close to worst case scenarios.

It needs to be further developed with safeties in place to keep it from spiraling into some sort of weapon. Crooked Government lives stuff like this thatā€™s vague.


Agreed! Sorry I didnā€™t explain it out better.

I think you are onto something. Parents would appreciate this.

Although, This begins to fall under a ā€˜Educationā€™ reform, rather than being directly in the interest of "preventative Mental Health care.

And yes, I do agree that totalitarian measures have potential to ā€˜blacklistā€™ people. This is another issue altogether, but regarding pedophilia I assume it can be useful to advance means of keeping children safe, especially while they are in school, and fending for themselves.

On the subject of Mental Health, yoy raises an important point about adults with sex addictions, inappropriate fetishes, and criminal predatory behavior. Your idea to expand screenings may be of great use to Mental Health study - because ultimately these people must live with themselves and face these aspects, so it will be in their best interest to turn to therapy, and correct themselves.