Call a Convention of the States to Limit the Scope, Power and Jurisdiction of the Federal Government

20 years ago, the national debt exploded to $5T and it was already an issue long before that. Was it not time for this then? How about when it then doubled in just a few years? Then doubled again even more rapidly. Will it be time when it is $50T as currently forecast in about ten years?

The Federal Government has ballooned to nearly 500 agencies, most of which are unconstitutional, unaccountable blobs of unelected bureaucrats serving no useful purpose and wasting taxpayer money. Is it not yet time for We The People to rein it in?

The Federal Government WILL NOT fix itself.

Take away their money!
That away their power!
Send them home!

Carpe Diem! Article V NOW!


Much needed! Best solution !


Yes, this allows new and fresh ideas to be presented more frequently and discourages the environment to turn into a swamp, thwarting corruption.

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It is plainly evident our Republic is out of control. The only way to reign in the abuses of power is through a Convention of States. We desperately need term limits for all of Congress. And the States need to re-take their rightful place in our government. Their power has been usurped by the Federal Government.


… replace the functions it ostensibly performs with what? Some other agency? To simply abolish the Fed without offering some better, more responsive and accountable alternative could be just reckless!

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Yes! We absolutely need to call an Article V convention of the states for proposing amendments to the U.S. Constitution in order to put our bloated, overspending, overreaching, tyrannical, out-of-control Federal Government back into the small, constrained box where it belongs!


Absolutely needed. Otherwise, nothing will stop the continual growth of the federal government.


Trafficking people across state lines who are awaiting court cases. Installing barbed wire in a river. Refusing federal orders to remove barbed wire…

We should include repeal of the 17th amendment in the COS. Also, it should not be acceptable for people or entities outside the state to financially support a candidate in a state wide election.

I respect your opinion but suggest that you do a bit more research and dig a little deeper. Our supreme court is currently under attack as are many other protections in the Constitution that are being ignored. The supreme court justices themselves have been openly threatened by members of the Senate. The Federal Government will not ever vote to give up their power.

The solution as big as the problem! No mater who goes to DC the national debt continues to grow. They will not stop spending in DC until there is an amendment that controls them.


Understanding COS in two minutes.

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Thus, we the people need to get involved to control the government which the Declaration of Independence tells us. Which is the main document that created the constitution.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”


Absolutely, it is that time. COS gives us the means to do that without interference from the Federal Government. A few simple, yet powerful amendments will get the power out of the hands of the corrupt and back into the hands of the people.


And unfortunately, this is the argument those against a Convention of States utilize, they believe what the Founding Fathers did needs fixing…and some believe abolishing. They continue to spread lies gaslighting their believers all the while comparing the FFs actions by current day standards, without regard to the fact it was this country that changed many of those atrocities because of what our Founding Fathers enacted.


Exactly. The Federal Government will nevr vote to give up its power, which is why the States who gave it to them must take it away. That’s the essence of the Convention of States.

I agree there are more problems than it addresses, as you mention our Supreme Court justices for one…but we have to start somewhere, and stripping them of power, holding them to term limits, and holding them fiscally responsible is an excellent start…this also primes the pump for future actions changing the way politics are done.


A Convention of the States is definitely needed to rein in the federal government and to impose term limits on federal government officials and employees.


COS is a great organization! We need term limits badly!


Whole heartedly agree. Please add to # III. Staffers and Bureaucrat positions will not be allowed to submit Bills or Executive Orders without the Actual Elected Official signing off and acknowledge responsibility.