- declaring war
- granting letters of marquee
- providing armies and fleets
- regulating and using the militia
- levying and borrowing money
- make treaties
- send and receive ambassadors, ministers, and consuls
- define and punish piracies, felonies on the high seas and against the law of nations
- regulate foreign commerce
- regulate commerce among the States and the Indian tribes
- coin and regulate the value of money
- punish counterfeiting coins and securities of the United States
- fix the standard of weights and measures
- make a uniform rule of naturalization and uniform laws of bankruptcy
- prescribe the way that public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of each State will be proved and the effect they will have in other States
- establish post offices and post road
- copyrights, patents
- federal capital
- other federal property
- treason: definition, punishment
- creation of new states
- United States territories
- guaranteed republican government in each State
- States protected against invasion
- States protected against internal violence
- amending Constitution
For over 100 years the Federal Government has been used as a pot of money to “fix” social problems never authorized by the Constitution. Restitution must be given to people who paid into dissolved federal programs.