Call a Convention of the States to Limit the Scope, Power and Jurisdiction of the Federal Government

We all know the Federal government has grown far outside of the bounds of the “enumerated powers” in the U.S. Constitution. We also know that the Federal government will NEVER restrain itself. There are three primary areas to address:
I. Term Limits for Elected officials and other federal government officials and employees (this would include staffers and bureaucrats.
II. Imposition of fiscal restraints on the federal government such as a balanced budget, requirement for the government to use generally accepted accounting principles, tax and spending caps, etc.
III. Imposition of Scope, Power and Jurisdiction Restraints on the Federal Government - For example setting limits which prevent the federal government from involving itself in education, health care, agriculture or the environment within individual states, each of whom was intended to have sovereignty over these areas.

Many other government limiting amendments would fit within such a convention. This is not a pipe dream 19 of the necessary 34 states have already called for such a convention. 15 more to go. Both Kansas and North Carolina are currently close to joining. We can make this a reality. Please send the link to vote on this to everyone you know. And if you want to know more, you can go to Feel free to add ideas for amendments below, and I’ll take the ones that fit within this application and try to list some of them above.

Some have asked for the location where you can find the actual text of the resolutions being passed in the states.


This is absolutely critical if we want to restore our nation.


The Federal Government is the PROBLEM–NOT the solution.


Are you up for this?


The federal government was created by the states and it is vital that the states have continued conversations about how the child they created stays healthy and responsible. At the moment, the child is out of control. The only way to start the conversation and make change PROPOSALS is utilizing Article V of the US Constitution. The founders wanted the states to use this method to keep America great.


Calling for an Article V Convention is ESSENTIAL to ensuring that we can put our out-of-control federal government back in its Constitutional box, not just for four years, but for long after that! This is about who gets to make decisions for us and our families. I think it should be closer to home, not in Washington DC!


I absolutely disagree. Our constitution was written specifically to protect the people from the government. Our current Supreme Court is making great progress toward restoring power to the people.
We are deeply fortunate to have a constitution written by geniuses, who were also heroes.
We just need to see to it that it is interpreted as it was meant to be understood.


Time to reign in the power and jurisdiction of the federal government!


An Article V Convention of the States was designed for times we face today. It’s the peaceful solution to the BIG problem we have in DC.


Convention of States action is the first and only organization with over 5 million supporters in all 50 states to get bills passed in both chambers of 19 states and one chamber of NC to utilize Article V of the United States Constitution to call a convention. This convention is restricted to proposing amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.


An amendment that requires 3/4 majority vote in Senate to admit a new State into the Union.


The Federal government is not going to fix itself and it’s not going to surrender power it has taken from the states without being forced. A Convention of States under Article V of the US Constitution is the only means.


Critical Constitutional solution to government overreach. Huge grassroots support army, good tailwind from a decade of leadership and progress across the USA.


Due to a multitude of reasons our Federal Government has become the tyrannical beast our founders feared. Article V gives us We The People the power to return the Federal government to the limited role envisioned.


Mark Levin, member of the Convention of States’ Legal Board of Reference states it perfectly by saying; “Today the federal government is our nation’s largest creditor, debtor, lender, employer, consumer, grantor, property owner, tenant, healthcare provider and pensions guarantor. Does that sound like limited government to you?” Article V of our Constitution clearly gives “We the People” the power to call a Convention of States. For those legislators and others who fear a runaway Convention, please know that it is literally impossible. Three-fourths of the states must ratify whatever is proposed by the delegates that represent two-thirds of the states. EACH STATE WILL HAVE ONLY ONE VOTE!


We need to shrink the federal government and restore this nation to the one the framers designed .,


So how’s that working for you the last four years? It’s time the people make noise….


Not only do we need to get the federal government back into their box and out of our healthcare, families, and so much more … we need to remind the people that our rights come from God and our government is supposed to protect our rights rather than legislate them into oblivion.


You are arguing a circular argument. Constitution is perfect, but Article V gives the provision for States to call a convention to offer amendments independent of Congress. So this is part of the Constitution. If you disagree with this then you are disagreeing with the Constitution!


Our founders in their wisdom gave the states a way to reign in an out of control Federal Gov! It is time to use the constitutional solution they gave us!!