I propose that the following 27 policy proposals about banning chemtrails / geo-engineering / stratospheric injection / weaponization of weather get merged:
{When I was browsing through proposals, I saw LOTS of duplicates about banning chemtrails / geo-engineering. I agree, and would like all the votes added up. I tried to put the more detailed proposals at the top, but some further down the list have additional nuances, such as investigation & disclosure of what agency has been spraying us like bugs. Note that I saw additional proposals for banning chemtrails that also had unrelated ban suggestions all mushed into one proposal, so I left those out of this merge request.}
Agree 100% would like all to appeal to the topics that are similar to consolidate to one topic and increase that number of votes. This topic seams to cover all the points that concern me as well. Tennessee has voted a law in place banning geoengineering and release of chemtrail yet enforcement is lacking. This has to be federal!
Ever since I was a kid, this was called a “conspiracy theory”. It looks like this is ANOTHER such CONSPIRACY FACT! We are being poisoned EVERYWHERE! Food, water, medicine, air, etc…
Monsanto even has GMO corn that is SPECIFICALLY made to be glyphosate resistant! WHY?
Glyphosate is a HIGHLY dangerous poison that can easily kill any weed! The problem is that it gets into the corn people eat. It has been linked to parkinsons, alzheimers, and many other things.
It is almost like DDT! DDT was a great pesticide that killed perhaps every bug! The US didn’t get rid of it until they found out birds were going extinct because of it.
This would include any form of energy beam so as that believed to be used in Lahaina, Hawaii. Anyone associated with chemtrails, if proven poisonous, or the energy beam being used to induce extreme weather or high intensity fires, should be punished to the extreme. Including Bill Gates!
I believe all of these are related to one primary issue-climate change. This world-wide scam has gotten out of control. Each of the myriad of ways in which the policies either implemented or planned are all complex and each needs to be addressed. This issue I think is going to be the biggest battle we have ever faced because it involves every aspect of human life.
I agree with the banning of chem trails and trying to manipulate weather [quote=“Andrea, post:1, topic:15586, full:true, username:DancingCat”]
I propose that the following 27 policy proposals about banning chemtrails / geo-engineering / stratospheric injection / weaponization of weather get merged:
{When I was browsing through proposals, I saw LOTS of duplicates about banning chemtrails / geo-engineering. I agree, and would like all the votes added up. I tried to put the more detailed proposals at the top, but some further down the list have additional nuances, such as investigation & disclosure of what agency has been spraying us like bugs. Note that I saw additional proposals for banning chemtrails that also had unrelated ban suggestions all mushed into one proposal, so I left those out of this merge request.}
I am actually actively seeking other like minded to have this addressed and recognised. It is not natural its is man made it is everywhere these days. Its not just our government thats turning a blind eye. Ive not heard anyone from the current administration the incoming and the senate speak on this. My state passed the law signed by the governor here in Tennessee outlawing geoengineering and cloud seeding and yet our skys are full of the trails and widening plumes. Causes the sun to haze and actually visible reflecting what looks like rainbow oil spill.
Rumble the website has radar visuals of the creation effect. Seek the commercial fisherman series . Its undeniable and yet Im the loan ranger pointing it out. We must get noticed before its too late. Im not trying to ring the panic bell but comon. Its been proven to have major health consequences and I never hear it on the news or from meteorologist or weathermen. Nothing. Wth if its allowed to continue and we do nothing its going to be hard to live with the regret. Collective voices. People write your local and state governments and we must quickly get a petition together signed and delivered. Whatever is going on and for whatever reason its accelerating not slowing. Lets welcime this discusion as a collective. Can moderators group this discusion into a single category were all voices can become as one?
I agree with merging these issues. But there are farmers who have weather cannons that are used to prevent hailstones from destroying their crops. I think this is beneficial, and it could prevent many cars from being destroyed also.