Stop the chemtrails!

Please, stop spraying us with chemicals to block out the sun! The cloud-seeding season in Idaho is November thru April, but what is happening on top of that, and outside of that timeframe, is not cloud-seeding. Our skies are constantly being blasted with chemicals—stealing our sunshine, which is vital for good health and strong crops, and poisoning us with who knows what! Our blue skies are becoming rarer and rarer. We need transparency on who is flying these planes and who is funding it.


We should ban all aviation and only travel via train in order to keep the sky clean and clear.

Those are not chemtrails, those are condensation trails.

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They’re not only ruining our skies, but our trees and vegetation are suffering. My trees are slowly dying.


I’ve watched them slowly disperse and make landfall.


Those flights are spewing barium aluminum, highly toxic to our water, soil, air. We need to STOP this. I live in St. Augustine, FL and our weather is totally different…always overcast, cloudy now instead of sunny. Poisoning us from the skies Must stop!


They are killing plant life and damaging soil. My garden is getting worse every year. I wake up and look over everything each morning and you can see where the trails lead. STOP SPRAYING!


THIS! Stop the chemtrails!


Yes! Stop the Chem Trails. I live in North Wisconsin. I watch these planes fly several times per day over our beautiful land. The trails slowly spread and fall to the ground. WHY? WHAT are they spraying, do we not have a right to know.


I love this post, thank you! This a serious issue that so many just look past.


Wrong! Those are “chemtrails”. Modern high-bypass turbofan engines generally leave no “contrails” unless they are operating in very extreme meteorological conditions. The end of a contrail travels along just as fast as the aircraft and dissipates in less than 1 minute (and usually 30 seconds or less). Chemtrails are a thing and must be stopped.


No, those are contrails. If you want to see what chemical trails look like, look up pictures of crop dusting, and Aerial Mosquito Spraying.

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I sure don’t remember, as a kid, watching a “vapor” trail last all DAY


In dry air they dissipate quickly but in moist air they can last for hours or days just like clouds. If they were chem trails, like crop dusting or Aerial Mosquito Spraying they would fall to the ground as their intended purpose.

Did you all not read the rules? The proper of these discussions is to have conversations that enhance the policy. If you disagree with it, DON’T COMMENT. This is NOT the place for such petty antics. I will flag you. is a good place to learn more if you truly seek truth.


I read the rules and we are free to comment if we disagree. Telling the truth is not petty antics. The picture posted above are contrails and everything I’ve written are facts.

Stop Chemtrails - aka weather modification - aka chemical aerosol spraying (for any purpose) - see here:


That picture is NOT water vapor contrails.
You may disagree, but your purpose is not to inform, so it does violate the rules. This is a discussion forum about policies, not a place for debate about what you think is true, or personal attacks.


That has nothing to do with this topic. If you want to ban aviation, please make that suggestion on its own. There is zero correlation between aviation pollution of the atmosphere and chemicals being sprayed to increase albedo (prevent global warming) and weather modification/warfare. I will be flagging your comment.

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Sorry but you don’t set the rules on this forum. There are no rules being violated here, nor is there any debate or personal attacks going on. I am simply pointing out the truth that those are contrails, and almost 100% of the trails you see in the sky are contrails. There are rare exceptions when they fumigate mosquitos over forest areas and I pointed that out.