Ban all geoengineering, chemtrails and spraying in the skies

Complete ban on the manipulation of weather and the spraying of chemicals on the people of this country. We demand clean air to breathe, clean water to drink and clean food to eat. All forms of geoengineering to be stopped immediately. We demand access to natural sunlight that isn’t blocked by clouds of chemicals so our bodies can absorb sunlight and obtain vitamin D as we were meant to. Complete ban on the creation of weather events that are used against the American people. Complete transparency with what has been sprayed in our skies and how to reverse the impacts from it.


We need to shine a light on geoengineering. Most people don’t believe it or consider it a conspiracy theory. Educating the public on geoengineering, what its capabilities are, how it uses microwave transmissions to enhance and steer weather systems such as hurricanes, create droughts, weather warfare, etc… This must be disclosed to the public so they are aware its a real thing and can make sound decisions about geoengineering.


United States Government (USGov) has violated 1976 UN ENMOD Treaty by Weaponization of GeoEngineering against the People of the USA. We, the People of USA, duly empowered under US Constitution creating USA as a representative government, hold USGov responsible for irreparable harm caused by Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques against citizens of USA.

We invoke our rights as citizens of our representative government, therefore represented signatories to ENMOD Treaty under Article V.3 and V.5; to charge USGov with breach of obligations of ENMOD Convention.

We invoke Article V. 2. requesting within one month per stated terms in article, to convene a ‘Consultative Committee of Experts’. We, the People nominate Dane Wigington, as our expert representative director and empower him to assemble a panel of his choosing.

We invite ten states of the ENMOD Treaty to join the People of USA to solicit consensus and convene a 21st Century UN ENMOD Convention under Article VIII. 3 and under the annex clause, compose a panel of experts from both sides of the debate on climate change to provide evidence supporting their independent position for robust debate; which has been silenced in USA by censorship industrial complex identified by Matt Taibbi and Michael Schellenberger Report on Censorship Industrial Complex, submitted to U.S. House of Representatives Oversite Committee, March 2023. Per Article VIII.3, if a Convention has not been held in ten years, 10 signatories to Treaty can solicit UN to convene ENMOD Convention. The last ENMOD Convention was in 1992, thirty one years ago.

1976 UN ENMOD Treaty; Convention on Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, Signed and Ratified by USA 1/17/1980.

We, the People of USA affirm:

USGov has engaged in GeoEngineering to detriment of citizens of USA and has caused irreparable harm to regions, farmland, waterways, humanity and property.

USGov has used censorship industrial complex to suppress and silence scientific opposition and debate on climate change in effort to advance scientifically unfounded green policy based on a one sided argument unsupported by long standing scientific models to justify application of Weaponization of GeoEngineering against citizens of USA.

In an effort to escalate fear of climate change and reinforce their one sided and unscientifically supported position, destructive USGov Weaponization of GeoEngineering has been locally applied: fires in Northern CA: Santa Rosa, Paradise; Lahaina, HI; Western North Carolina Hurricane Helene; causing mass casualties, billions in property damage and demonstrable USGov recovery resistance resulting in blocking access to private property, stymying efforts to reinsure, rebuild and speed recovery.

We, the People of USA see this manipulation of circumstance resulting from Weaponization of Hostile Use of Weather Modification to demolish infrastructure and private property, including but not limited to preventing access to privately held property, to hampering insurance relief and USGov apathetic recovery efforts designed to bankrupt citizens, enabling land grab by government and industrial scale entities, example: Blackrock; through USGov, State and/or Local Governments imminent domain; for purpose of achieving WEF goal paving the way for 15 minute city development.

We the People of USA seek immediate relief, cease and desist of all GeoEngineering which has adversely impacted climate data, silenced scientific debate and polluted our environment with elements toxic to humans, causation of mass human casualties in multiple locations, billions in damage and irreparably harm to thousands of lives. This does not even begin to address psychological terror instilled in children, whom now believe the world is coming to an eminent cataclysmic end.

We, the People of USA firmly believe an effective and comprehensive review of climate models can not be achieved without immediate cease and desist of all current GeoEngineering, which adversely impacts data.

Links in support of this opinion in next post uploaded immediately after this post. Window keeps truncating making it difficult to effectively add additional material at this time.


Links in support of position above:

Environmental Modification Convention.

USGov arguments and justifications are evident in Brookings Institute document below:


Totally stop this it’s gone on way to long in all states


Yes! Geoengineering needs to be STOPPED! We did not vote on, ask for, or have any say about what is being sprayed into our air on a 24 hour basis! This is a worldwide program that needs to be haled immediately! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
We do indeed desreve clean air and water, blue skies & no toxic chemicals poisoning us! This madness in killing life on this planet! Those behind this CRIME need to be held accountable! This includes independent contractors as well as the military industrial complex! - STOP THIS MADNESS NOW!




I absolutely AGREE that this geoengineering is a problem. It’s being done without any regulation. And the chemicals that are being sprayed in the sky are toxic. It is a huge concern for me and so many others. Stop the spraying! It isn’t doing any good at all.


I don’t know what they are doing, therefore I do not consent!


I too vote thought leader, of this field, Dane Wigington, into a Senior position of the US Government to put an end to all GeoEngineering activities and research any and all damage it may have created to all species of life within these United States.


Has this topic been consolidated?

Tennesse has voted for and passed into law no geoengineering or cloud seeding. Enforcement is an issue as I still see grids appearing leaving wide spread artificial cloud formation. Its not natural it is governent and privately being delivered to us and must stop . When I hear of man made climate change I now associate that with the chemtrail program and I dont think Bill Gates or anyone else has the right to poison the population for whatever reason. And the best part is when im told its my imagination


I definitely feel it affects our weather, my sister says its really bad in Florida and its bad in Missouri where we reside. We are super angry this is happening bc it affects our health, crops and weather patterns. It should be permanently banned and illegal to do so.


:100: agree. Stop the everyday deployment of poisons into our skies. Like all of you, I see the beautiful beginnings of a vibrant blue sky in the very early morning, then to see literally 100s of chemical trails crisscrossing that in a few hours turn the sky into a disturbing pale grey. Then the sneezing, skin, and throat irritation I experience. Not to mention the damage to water, crops, and animals. I live in farm country and it’s so obvious. To Make America Healthy Again this need the evil geoengineering to stop now.


YESSS. This is the best write up on the topic i have seen and i agree with the nomination of Dane Wigington.

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Hi Carleen,
Do you or anyone here know how or who can stop this? Can a petition be written and given to congress or the president? It was a beautiful sky here this morning and now it’s all hazy again. Tons of Chem trails sprayed. They are trying to block the sun, part of Bill Gates plan. We really need to have this stopped ASAP. I’m so tired of crap weather and being polluted. I believe 1 state just banned it but it needs to be done as a nation. Any insight would be great. Thanks so much, Susan