As a new mother I feel that our Maternity leave rights are not nearly enough. Most women can’t afford to takeoff more than six weeks. Imagine giving birth to a baby and only having six weeks to heal and to spend time with a baby that you have just carried inside you for almost 10 months. Most women don’t get paid for maternity leave and cannot pay their bills. I’ve had friends who have had to go back to work just three weeks after having a baby. Some women deliver and have a C-section and are still recovering from that. As a mother, we should not be worrying about whether we can pay the bills and Maneuvering being a mom at the same time. I feel that women should be offered six months paid maternity leave. Women experience, postpartum depression, As well as postpartum anxiety. I was unfortunately a victim of postpartum anxiety. The thought of someone else watching my daughter while I work an eight hour shift to help put food on the table really affected me. I was fortunate enough to have a husband who also makes good money, but in this economy, we barely made ends meet. I was very fortunate enough to have Aflac insurance in my back pocket, which did help pay for some bills. But not every woman who has a new baby is as fortunate as me. Most workplace won’t pay for maternity leave, and it puts women in a bad situation to have to go back to work even when they’re not ready we don’t get to watch our babies grow. We don’t get to spend that quality time with them like we should. And other countries maternity leave is not only paid for, but also extended to a long period of time. That’s why I feel that six month paid maternity leave should 100% be on the table. Not everyone gets to be a stay at home mom. Not everyone has a partner to help support them like I had. This is a major flaw in our system of having children. I also believe that men should have the right to maternity leave and pay as well. We deserve to watch our baby grow into soak up every moment we can with them, We shouldn’t have to worry about if the bills will get paid or if we can continue to put food on the table. We shouldn’t have to worry about a stranger watching our baby at such a young age. We Deserve to enjoy the time that we have with them, Without the burden of money.
If you work for a small business, do you think it/the owners can afford to pay someone who isn’t working? Would that possibly make it difficult for the company to pay the rest of their workers? Do you think it might cause the owners to worry about money even more than they might already? Could it have a negative affect on child-bearing aged women being able to get a job knowing that it could bankrupt the company if they did? How would it work?
Do you think the government would be responsible to pay it? That means higher taxes for everyone.
I love the idea because families are important but maybe there is a better approach. What if taxes were lowered, there was a higher incentive to put pre-taxed dollars into an HSA-type of account that can be drawn on when a child is born. People doing for themselves instead of expecting the government and employer to pay… but with government programs in place to let people keep more of their own money!
I disagree. We all make personal choices. Employers, and/or taxpayers should not have to carry the burden.
Yes I love this as a mom pp 3 months we are struggling to catch up with bills and the new bills of having children in daycare???