Remove limits Social Security recipients can make while working to receive early benefits. No one can live off of Social Security alone.
I agree, why are we at age 62 and getting early SS limited on income for trying to continue to contribute to the economy and pay our own way. SS is not enough to live on. The program has not been reworked in years. I am in this situation. Many good part time jobs are passed over because we can’t fit to the exact limit amount, they have set for us. Why can’t we collect what is ours and work as much as we want to? This helps put money back in the economy which we need badly. I have had my SS deducted for going over my first year. They didn’t even figure it correctly. No response from them. By the way taking 1$ for every $2 that you go over the limit is absurd. This must be stopped. I hope the no tax on SS benefits covers this topic as well. I don’t mind paying payroll taxes, but I don’t want to be taxed on a tax I have already paid.
especially when Social security “disability” has no limits figure that one out