Social Security disability increase

Please increase Social Security/disability by at least 30% the amount we receive now cannot come close to keeping up with inflation. Thank you.


Before we can increase it it has to be solvent, not bankrupt! How about we stop letting Congress rob SS coffers at their every whim. How about we don’t force seniors to pay taxes on what they have already paid in over their lifetime. It should operate like a pension fund, what u put in plus what dividends u gain over ur lifetime is urs and gov’t has no right to touch it ever! Folks need to learn to take responsibility for theirselves again, u work hard, contribute and then reap the rewards of that. That is what SS should foster if done properly, it is instead another tool for the banksters to usurp our labors and steal our profits! We don’t need overlords, we need self responsibility!!


I agree 1000% , My husband is 75 and been on SS. he needs to do gig work but can’t due to they cap on what you can do in a year, that is wrong when inflation is so bad. I also know someone trying to get disability due to massive heart attack, only 30 percent heart works, they told him it might be a year before he can get it? Seriously he can not work what the heck is he going to do? They really need to fix these issues on s.s and disability very fast!

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I have also posted a proposal to increase the asset allowance and safety net for work opportunities (when possible). The way it is currently set up incentivizes poverty and inadequate with today’s cost of living.