I am 61 1/2 and almost ready to qualify for Social Security.
My nest egg is not quite where I want it to be, due to raising kids most of my life.
I am in good shape and would like to keep working for a few years, while collecting social security. But if you work while collecting social security, you Social Security is reduced drastically.
How can I build my nest egg with rules like that? I want to work and collect Social Security at the same time so the last few years of my life can be better
Can we change the law so I can do both?
At the very least they should stop collecting so much social security taxes if you’re working past retirement age.
i vote removal of SS tax. citizens should save for their own future.
Here’s a hoot. If you’re a certain age, you CAN work without penalty, exept you still pay Social Security tax with no possibility of getting any benefit from those tax dollars.
Are you happy to let people starve to death, or become homeless to achieve that?
People die every day. I’ve witnessed enough atrocities before i came to America that a soldier would have PTSD for life. you can’t save everyone. You CAN save those around you first, your family, your friends, your community. Until We the People of America are taken cared of fully, we HAVE NO business saving or solving others’ problems. Until you know how to solve your own problems, what makes you think you know HOW to solve anyone else’s? what experience, or skill do you bring to other people’s door to “help” them if you can’t even or won’t even solve your own issues?