Welfare restrictions

My idea to end the abuse of the state welfare system.

  1. A 5 year time limit. During the 5 years the recipients will receive food benefits, child care benefits that cover work and class time, funds provided for an Associates Degree or A Bachelors, rent subsidies, and cash for household expenses.
  2. Duting the full term of the program, the recipients would be subject to mandatory and random drug testing for narcotics. Failure to pass a test would result in immediate dismissal from the program.
  3. At the end of the 5 year term recipients benefits will be cut by 25%.
  4. At the 6 year mark recipients benefits will be cut by 50%.
  5. At the end of year 7 the recipients should be self sustainable and will receive benefits no longer.
  6. Everyone who wants to receive benefits must take part in this program and can never receive welfare benefits again. Ever.
    The amount of money each state would save would be astounding. Some people use this system their whole lives and never contribute anything to society. Now we would have contributing, tax paying memebers of society. This program would also lower case managers load at the 5 year mark to allow them to do their jobs properly.
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We also need to add mandatory drug testing as well.


I knew i forgot something!

This violates the constitution and discourages Americans from working! No enumerated constitutional provision for special or social welfare exists. Any “benefit” which requires qualification is not general welfare, but special welfare. Special or Social Welfare is a type of leftist government support for the citizens of society.