Universal Basic Income/welfare replacement

Abolish most welfare programs, Social Security, and the minimum wage. These are outdated ideas that are ineffective, and unnecessarily expensive. The math has been done, eliminating the bureaucracy and just handing out checks to everyone is cheaper, also more fair. Yes, we can actually spend less with this.
This gives freedom to workers and employers. It takes pressure off of both, making the relationship more voluntary. There would also be no need for disability insurance, or unemployment insurance. Workers without paid time off would now have some breathing room. Too many benefits to list

I would change this to “Universal Assistance.” Here is my plan: 1. Do away with food stamps, welfare, etc. 2. Instead, give every American ( over 18) five years of “Assistance Credit.” 3. Americans can use this 60 months of credits however they need but when the 60 months is gone, it’s gone forever. 4. Examples: Seasonal workers could use 3 months a year to cover costs during the off-season. A college student may choose to use a few credits to cover expenses so they don’t have to increase student loans. Some people may save their credits until retirement to supplement their SS income. Families may use credits during a family illness. Parents use one credit a year for back-to-school shopping. 5. Getting access to your credits would be as simple as going to a web-site and turning your credits on or off. There would be no need to justify or prove your need. Every American taxpayer would be entitled to five years (60 months). No more, no less. 6. If someone passed away without using their credits and they left behind children (under 18) their children could receive any credits left, up to 24 credits or the youngest child’s 18th birthday. 7. There would be an incentive to delay using credits because the amount of credits would increase slightly with each year (in the same way social security increases). 8. The amount of a credit would be the same across the country and would be the amount of an average months wages (literally, the average wage.)

Of course, many people would complain this won’t go very far but it is only meant to be temporary assistance and not a permanent entitlement. People would be encouraged to use credits sparingly and PSAs could be created to remind people that 60 months is the lifetime maximum. The website would show how many credits have been used, and how many are available. The website would provide educational videos about the credits. The website would allow a person to set how many credits they wanted to use with digital signatures required. Of course, there is human error so personnel would be required to manage problems and inevitably someone is going to figure a way to commit fraud but it is still a better option than what exists now.

Imagine a domestic violence victim being able to escape an abusive relationship by using a few months credit to get back on their feet. Imagine being able to use credits to heat your home in the winter. Imagine being able to save a few months of credits for a down payment on a car or a married couple pooling their credits for the down payment on a home. Imagine using the credits to fly home to see your family at Christmas. Imagine being able to take a few months to retrain for the job you really want but you can’t get because you can’t afford to quit your current job. Imagine being able to pursue your dream job. Imagine an elderly person being able to afford the repairs to their home without going without groceries. Imagine not having to send your parents part of your paycheck because your parents can use their credits to pay for some of their expenses.

Because every American is entitled to the 60 months, there would be less fraud such as the kind seen when food stamp recipients sell their EBT cards. The money would drop into a verified account or debit card the same way income tax or social security is paid.

The beauty is it is limited and everyone is entitled to exactly the same amount.

America is not a communist nation. I used to be the ages you talk about. We never had “assistance”. What we had we got from WORK. People WORK. No handouts.

IF anyone wants out of SS then allow them to opt out. Then when they get old and can’t work allow them to starve to death. What you suggest is communism and that dog won’t hunt.

This violates the constitution and discourages Americans from working! No enumerated constitutional provision for special or social welfare exists. Any “benefit” which requires qualification is not general welfare, but special welfare. Special or Social Welfare is a type of government support for the citizens of society.

Unfortunately this penalizes successful and hard workers and violates Americas promote “general”welfare clause in the constitution.

It also encourages people to just take government handouts instead of working!

Social security isn’t welfare! The government embezzles citizens income while they work then give back as little of it as they can once they can’t work anymore.