Job training for welfare recipients, unless disabled and unable to work, term limits for receiving welfare if able-bodied, maybe a five year max of eligibility if able bodied, working is mandatory for receiving benefits. Even if it’s something as simple as cleaning up neighborhoods. If receiving benefits because a single parent situation benefits only available until children start school and while receiving benefits doing some kind of job training. Drug testing for receiving benefits as if you are working at a job.
This is such a great proposal! A lot of our tax dollars are being wasted on people abusing the system. I would suggest a 2-3 yr. term limit across the board (that’s plenty of time to complete job training or even a trade school) but maybe there could be an exception for people that are in college? For example, a single mother, aged 23, may need 4-6 years of assistance while completing her college education. They should be required to provide job training records, grades or transcripts to prove they are continuing their education.
I completely agree with the drug testing. That should be a requirement before even getting approved to receive benefits. There could also be random drug testing minimum twice a year.
And of course, any one not able-bodied would-be part of the exception.
Just had an after thought…
All funding is placed on a debit card now, so should they fail to provide proof of training, grades, or pass a drug test. The debit card could be placed on an automatic freeze until requirements are met.
Everyone on benefits needs job training. The system needs to be revamped so the single parents get transportation benefits like with Uber, public transportation can be challenging to rely upon depending on the area.
When people are getting on their feet, they need to notched down in their payment assistance, not completely immediately cut-off.
They need business community to circle around them to help them learn the ropes or help them start their own businesses on the side while they work.
There should be required readings like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. When people are exposed to different thinking that’s aspirational, then they are empowered to work with purpose not work a hopeless job for a pay check.
My uncle stayed with cousins when his mom was sick. My uncle and mom lived in the projects. My uncle was taken to his cousins business every day and taught to work and also taught him how to be a man and care for his wife and kids. 60 years later, my uncle with tears streaming down his cheeks told to his cousins widow how he spent his life working as he was taught and became the man he was taught. When the youth are taught differently, it impacts them. My uncle lived that life. He’s a good man who started at Boeing at 19 years old and retired 40 years later. He’s still married to his wife after 50 years and has two sons who were the first to go to college and have successful careers.
When my uncle and mom returned to their mom, they were not the same. They had aspirations.
we see people all the time with serious disabilities working and not a burden on the system then others who “can’t handle working” and their disabilities are far less serious. they choose not to work.