Government assistance reform

Welfare reform… we must limit the amount of time a person can collect government assistance if they are abled body . Pay for schooling to educate as long as grades are maintained c or better… Daycare? No problem , discounted daycare if you fall under income guidelines. 4 years maximum of government assistance and if additional children are born under that time they do not get additional assistance. We must break the generational welfare with education and rules we can do it, saving millions of dollars for taxpayers


I agree, and have thought about the same thing. I was thinking that everyone who is homeless, and getting government assistance currently, is automatically enrolled. There is a three year program, which includes housing, food, and job training.
If addiction is involved, rehab services will be provided. Everyone will need to remain drug and alcohol, free, to continue getting assistance.

At the end of the three years, participants will be provided a job, that they had been trained for.

Participants with children, Will be able to apply for two, one year extensions, if needed.

Workfare not welfare!

This violates the constitution and discourages Americans from working! No enumerated constitutional provision for special or social welfare exists. Any “benefit” which requires qualification is not general welfare, but special welfare. Special or Social Welfare is a type of government support for the citizens of society.

Unfortunately this penalizes successful and hard workers and violates Americas promote “general”welfare clause in the constitution.

It also encourages people to just take government handouts instead of working!