There needs to be accountability in our court systems. Starting at the district level. They are constitutional rights violations done every day. Due process of law is stomped all over and no regard to an oath that they have taken. Why? because they are untouchable. them, the prosecutors the militarized police, and such. they are locking people up in cages like animals for crimes that are not actual crimes but bring the court system and those that benefit from the monetized court cases. They are administrative courts and have no business or authority to do as they please. they do because they are allowed to. they are corporations and in need of a contract to do any type of business. this is where it goes off track. there is so much word salad that goes on in these courts as well ritualistic spells being performed that the average citizen has no clue what is being done to them or what they are agreeing to… Attorneys are a joke and the biggest scam going in this era. they are not working on your behalf. They’re committing crimes, violating your rights as they take your money. every court case is monetized. they are all getting a cut of it and that seems just a little like a conflict of interest. How can anyone get a fair hearing or trial? the prisons are also private corporations with board members that need their investments back, get the picture. So the increased statutes and the police are on a quota they HAVE to get so many arrests in a certain amount of time on a variety of categories. Not just criminals but they are searching people out for violating their rights and looking for anything that you could go to jail for. if they can’t find anything they will gaslight you into you say or do something that will justify a trip to the jail. Is this done all the time? They are not honoring the oaths that they have taken to protect the Constitution and uphold it. all these officers of the courts need to be held accountable. they all should have to spend time in jail before they can take a position. Maybe they would be so fraudulent as to throw chattel into the cages. They go home at night like just another day at the office. while someone who has not committed any real crime sits in jail waiting to hear from a judge. while the persons in jail may lose their jobs, their income for their family, and medicines that need to be paid for while increasing the number of felons whose lives are ruined forever. I’m all about locking up a true criminal. a capital offense. absolutely. but when we are putting statutes on a book just to gain more revenue and they need more bodies in the prisons for work slaves, we have lost all humanity who continue to take a blind eye to this. we have the largest incarcerated population in the world. A few months ago while I was doing some research there were at least 3 states whose prison population was nearly 50% of their total state population. They are getting rich while placing people in jail while they are committing crimes themselves. it’s time for it to stop. If that hasn’t told you everything about this failing system with our current President and the court fiasco he had to go through, then you haven’t been paying attention. We need reform, watchdogs, committees to go in and start doing investigations, and ones that can’t be bribed and paid off. not more lawyers. everyday citizens who can meet the qualifications. we are giving good jobs to criminals. let’s give the people the opportunity to hold them accountable.
I addressed some of this in a forum on prison reform…The criminal justice system is so corrupt…the trial process itself, the forcing people into pleas out of fear…the financial incentives are shameful.
yes they are. it is time that something gets done. i’m tired of seeing people that have not comitted a true crime be locked up like an animal. there is no reform coming out of these prisons either. they set them up for failure for future return.
Continuing the discussion from We need prison reform!:
Fulton County GA is a good place to start!! This is appalling!
Justice Department announces findings from investigation into Fulton County Jail | Full remarks
Hi Devlin, I’m Ali. Exactly what your’re explaining, I am literally going through as we speak, literally, for three years. I have been representing myself majority of the time, mainly after I caught the three attorneys not filing ANYTHING on my behalf, but sent me a bill on time, every time to be paid, which all three got paid in full, $20,000 each. After the Judges here in Hays County, Texas, judge presiding Karl E. Hays of the 274th family court, who sit on the governing board of the family law section of the Texas ABA and the family violence prevention board, who was also praised by Corridor News Media in San Marcos Tx, and the presiding judge of the 27th family court Gary Steele who sit on the judicial commission board, that should already tell you a lot and I haven’t even put a dent into it yet. Then you have judge Sherri Tibbs of the 453rd criminal court, and Benjamin Moore of the 453rd criminal court. Judge Tibbs who’s as partial and biased as one could possibly be, have committed so many crimes I am currently sending a report out to the US SoS and the Texas SoS, on her and judge Hays of the family court and two attorneys. And yes I am intentionally refusing to capitalize their titles because they do not deserve that much respect, these judges are crooked, despicable, abusive, disgusting and a sorry excuse to even be acknowledged in any shape or form. I don’t know who elected and appointed these two incompetent beings to be judges, but they ought to go back to whatever country bumpkin rock they climbed from underneath, and just stay, including DA Courtney Hansen, Catherine Schneider, and Amy Buess. There are 15 individuals I have enough law violations on, including RICO charges, not hearsay, but documentation, audio files, and court records, that I am shocked the DoJ hasn’t been down here to throw the entire baby and bath water out and start over. The majority of my position comes from anger at how these jerks have been exploiting the citizens, and the grave, no real (regulatory) criminal governance
and unlawful policy inventions, the multilayered conglomerate of crimes and the blatant disrespect of law and of Veterans, has vexed my soul to the point I have to pray and have asked others to pray for me. I do plan on going to Congress even if I stand alone, I am not one to be very scary. After two tours, 1.5 years each to Iraq and Afghanistan, and witnessing the evil I have witnessed and level of unimaginable poverty, then to get back here and to see such high degree of ungratefulness and entitlement, I could care less about their accomplishments, they were accomplished under fraudulent pretenses, I respect no man with that kind of heart. For the sake of time, I will shorten my spill, but I can show you directly, tax fraud, how the CRIS Fund is used and what they use it for and how, I can show you how anyone that has been through the court system that they do have a “cu-sip” number and what it’s used for, I can explain to you clearly how your signature changes a document in a cashable derivative and how these jerks use the name and likeness of the citizens, which most was probably forced into situations and into taking plea deals and false crimes that was forced onto them, becoming defendants, and the judges making money off them hand over foot. This should be in the DSM-5 as a mental illness. An individual has to be a sick and demented, worthless, and a miserable excuse for a human to be able to get up, take pride in screwing up peoples lives so maliciously and egregiously that people have PTSD and will forever deal with the after affects of what these non-humans did while siting in those seats. If this government was truly for the people, please explain to me why is the ABA have seminars for young and new attorneys with the following type of titles, “Imposter Syndrome: Feeling Like Your Secret I About to be Discovered.” This is talking about their consciousness and it eating them alive after stealing someones child and breaking the law for their own financial gain, and being part of the “child exploitation ring of unaccompanied children”. Why is Texas in its third contempt, per federal judge Janice Jack, fining CPS by the day thousands of dollars, because they are the ring leaders? Why? If one was doing the right things, even during the most unpopular of times, why would he or she have to attend a seminar as such, to deal with their consciousness. That should let any reasonable man or woman know, that from the first day of any case, the Speedy and Fair Trial Act use was never intended to be used. They do not adhere to any other law slated under the Supremacy Clause, nor any other law in any way, by these non-article III judges who should only should be doing what these courts were invented to do and that was to be the over-watch of the other agencies. Well, Devlin I will get out your hair, but however this turns out, I have a hard plan to go to Congress, and you will most likely see a documentary on this city, with names on the local government here, these people need to be exposed, and since they don’t hide their crimes, why should I hide the truth, especially if someone will be saved or can redirect their path to avoid intentional pot holes. I hope to hear from you, sorry if my two sense was a bit aggressive, but I am experiencing this mess first hand, for no single reason. Hope to hear from you, you are more than welcome if you want to have a phone conversation, or we can stay here online. However, an over-watch commission with authority is so terribly needed, we need more than tattle-tellers, we need warriors and some even stronger generals if we are to straighten this thing out. Have an awesome day, bye for now.