Civil law reform

We need federal law requiring all courts to function on the basis of civil rights and constitutional law. The family law system has ran rampant for far too long operating under its own guise without repercussion. There is not a simple fix to these issues however enforcing all 50 states requiring the use of a jury for all trials and removing the ability for a judge to be the judge, jury, and executioner would severely limit the improper balance the system uses. If we sent a team of impartial district attorneys to investigate family law cases of every county across America, we would find more corruption than what we have in congress today. Judges operate primarily off the best interest of the states federal funding under Title IV D. We the people have not had accountability in family law either. Perjury is ignored as well as false allegations. Members are left with their pockets drained and their reputations tarnished. Ex parte communications are constantly taking place without regard to the members seeking justice for themselves or their children. In many states, complaints to the appropriate agencies such as the BAR or JQC bear no weight due to the Wild West nature of family law. We need to amend the federal laws and require jurors to try these cases. We need fair and equitable representation in the courts, and we need justice for the youth of our nation.