We must demand the VA to be dismantled and VA claims be a thing of the past

The goal is to:

  1. Make all Gold Star families tax exempt…
  2. Make all Veterans injured in the line of duty tax exempt…
  3. Every single Veteran receives 100% medical, dental, and vision care at any doctor of their choosing…
  4. No person with credible stolen valor eligible to hold ANY public office…
  5. Investigate the intentional poisoning of DECADES of active duty troops and the subsequent denial of medical care…
  6. Survivor benefits to ALL spouses and families of fallen Veterans…
  7. The dismantling of the VA as we know it thus making VA claims extinct…
  8. All Veterans should receive a monthly paycheck after 10 years of service and only with an Honorable Discharge…

We could REALLY use your help. As you know, Veterans are up against a machine, and we are dying too fast to fight that machine. We need the word to get out on what we are asking. Spread it far and wide…

While we are working on writing an Act, it would be so much easier and faster to get this into the hands of someone who can make it happen faster…

Since there are still Korean War & Vietnam Veterans whose VA claims are still outstanding, there is no possible way the Veterans who have been poisoned in Uzbekistan will have a chance…

Also, all of the Veterans who are now vaccine injured are beyond screwed and placed last in line. We can not continue this hamster wheel. It is unsustainable…

We must demand the VA to be dismantled and VA claims be a thing of the past. And we can honor Gold Stars while doing it. We need all to get behind this and start asking our political leaders to pass this Act IMMEDIATELY…


I agree, our Vets need better! The VA should be reviewed and revised by DOGE.

If the IRS becomes a thing of the past because of tariffs would you update some of your goals?

In my experience the VA actively tries to deny claims. We are a Gold Star family and my son filed for DIC when he turned 18 but was still in high school. They denied him twice for paperwork not to their liking, (although they do agree he is entitled) Then we went to the VA and filed a third time with a VA worker. They sent a response letter to an old address, not the one on the form we filled out at the VA.

All this for my son, a college student, to recover $600. Needless to say he did not get the entitlement and now the VA says too much time has elapsed.