Restructuring of veterans affairs

The VA has continuously failed our veterans from under rating disability, to subpar health care. They have countless cases of negligence and continue to spend tax payers money on things that ultimately do not help veterans. I purpose that the VA be restructured and all veterans receive government paid medical at any doctor they wish to see. The VA has given veterans 0% ratings for service connected disabilities where the veteran has then been forced to wait years during the appeals process to receive treatment. The VA has become a failure and a government slush fund where money is put into the system that is broken and funds are mismanaged. The VA should be ran by veterans, ratings should be evaluated by veterans, and veterans disability payments should be based on what a person needs to live comfortably not $48000 a year which for a family of 4 is barely middle class depending on what state you live in. Many of these veterans have security clearances where they could easily be making 6 figures a year or close to it. There are veterans who currently are rated at 100% who can’t work and receive a payment that is not what a person can live off of comfortably. With that being said these veterans are also turned away by their states for ebt and other state ran assistance because their disability factors into their income with these agencies. Veterans deserve better it’s a shame how many veterans were lied to when they sat in their recruiters office with promises of “the VA will take care of you if you get hurt”. I’m not a politician or a lawyer, I’m just an oif, oef veteran who refuses to go to the VA because of their incompetence and negligence I’ve witnessed first hand. So, I understand this policy is very rough around the edges and will need a lot of work but it’s an idea and a start.

Health Liberty #united-states-department-of-veterans-affairs


I agree with all of this. The healthcare system, at certain VA facilities, is like an assembly line. Yes, sometimes you have a doctor who cares and takes the time to REALLY listen and treat a veteran. However, most times, the doctors don’t take the time to listen to really understand what the issue is and how to properly treat it (for example: miss diagnosing or ignoring a diagnosis). Our veterans deserve the best care but, frequently, their care is subpar. The VA rating process is infuriating. You see veterans with clearly service connected disabilities being repeatedly turned down. They appeal the process for years. Each time an appeal is filed, the process starts all over. The process is frustrating, demoralizing and maddening. Our veterans sign a contract willing to give all for their country. That contract also says that , if something happens to them, they will be taken care of. We are not treating our veterans with world class care or the respect they deserve. I have seen all of this first hand. That needs to change.

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