Veterans Disability: Lock-in Rating

The current rating structure doesn’t promote healing and health transformation for veterans. When a veteran serves their country, wear and tear is placed on the physical and mental body. What’s done is done. If a veteran begins to heal themselves, the current system will rescond or lower their rating. This places a veteran in limbo and doesn’t empower them to heal. All veterans should have their ratings locked in without reprisal if they become healthier.


I was talking with another veteran, he was telling me had to work with a lawyer to get his VA Rating, my mouth dropped, why is it that Veterans are put in this position, to have to fighter to get rated at the same time healing, this should never happen, the healing and heath of the Veteran should come first, with our paying for the rating or receiving the rating, this is just another slap in the face the government is doing to us Veterans who went to war fought your wars and come back with all kinds of medical issues, then the VA makes it hard to get rated as well have to fight for it, I think EVERY Veteran that comes back after military service should automatically be put in the VA system, get them started healing, then rate there healing process, not to determine there rating (money) but to determine there healing process, each Veteran should get disability pay once it shows the disability, the problem with all disability military or civilian, it’s made impossible to get, I hear story’s that both people military and civilians with clearly shows a disability, yet they get turned down, just think what happens to the one who you can’t see the PTDS disability. It show the government clear dose not care or things would be better as well easier for these people to get there disability they deserve I say stop playing with our heath and do the right thing.