Vaccines for infants need to cease immediately. There is no need to poison a perfectly healthy new born child with all the toxic vaccines. This is evil and needs to stop immediately. Many of the ingredients in these vaccines are harmful and there are is no evidence of necessity that they be put into the body of a newborn child, baby or any child. Doctors need to be re-educated to not believe what big pharma says and the vaccine schedule should cease immediately. New parents are inclined to do whatever their Doctor says. Doctors are inclined to do what Big Pharma tells them. This is a vicious cycle of evil that blinds the truth from new parents who are trying to make the best decision for their children. Money incentives for vaccines needs to go away immediately.
Agreed! With my C-19 research, I found out how insidious this cycle is and how the whole corrupt system is actually a depopulation scheme. Fortunately, RFJ, Jr has the knowledge and now the authority to make these needed changes.
This 100%!! I have a granddaughter due in May and I have been trying to teach my son’s fiancé about the dangers of vaccines!!
Try giving her this book, an exhaustive study of the history of vaccines:
Thank you!!
Yes 1st grandchild is due in January. It is frightening because the parents to be are going to do exactly what the doctor suggests. It is maddening for sure.
This needs to be the parent’s choice for multiple reasons.
The problem is that if you were to give your child the same ingredients that are in a vaccine, you would personally be put in jail. How is it that the doctors can do that to your baby and keep themselves out of jail?
I feel your pain. My son is against vaccines; my daughter in law believes whatever celebrities on social media and her doctor recommend. My granddaughter has all kinds of allergies and is constantly sick.
This book is easy to read and understand.
I’m so sorry!! I have one grandson he is almost 2 and is completely unvaccinated. He’s super smart and ahead of most babies his age these days.
Yes I strongly believe in ceasing vaccines my beautiful son was fine until 2 and 1/2 yrs old … Received the MMR shot and went right into Autism.
Devastation . I didn’t know this could happen … No one does . Now my son is 26 and I have yet to have a full conversation with him because he can’t … . Life flipped… that’s my story … so many many more just like mine and we do not get the proper help.
Newborns do not need any of this.
Vaccination has basically ended measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and other maladies in the United States and many other nations. It has mitigated other diseases and extended lifetimes.
Those instances where disease reappears are by and large from unvaccinated people entering the US from overseas.
Hogwash. Start with “Dissolving Illusions,” then “Murder by Injection.”
Ordered and gave to them at Thanksgiving. Thanks!
You’re very welcome. Here’s is some literature to support the petition and for general reference.
Bill Sardi article
1988: Medicine on Trial, by Charles B. Inlander
â—¦ 1988: Worse Than The Disease, by Diana B. Dutt
â—¦ 1992: Racketeering in Medicine, by James P. Cart
â—¦ 1993: Making Medicine, Making Money, by Donald
â—¦ 1994: Bitter Medicine, by Jane Kassler MD
â—¦ 1994: Why I Left Orthodox Medicine, by Derrick Lo
â—¦ 2007: Overtreated, by Shannon Brownlee
â—¦ 2008: Overdosed America, John Abramson MD
â—¦ 2010: Overdiagnosed, H. Gilbert Welch MD
Good-Bye Germ Theory: ending a century of medical fraud and how to protect your family
Dr. William P. Trebing
Virus Mania - Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD, and Dr. Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD, show that this fearmongering is unfounded and that virus mayhem ignores basic scientific facts: The existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven.
The Contagion Myth - Thomas S. Cowan MD
What Really Makes You Ill - Dawn Lester & David Parker
Confessions of a Medical Heretic - Robert S. Mendelsohn MD (A masterpiece written in 1979!)
Butchered by “Healthcare” - Robert Yoho MD
Cassandra’s Memo: COVID and the Global Psychopaths - Robert Yoho MD (free! - Cassandra's Memo: COVID and the Global Psychopaths was censored by Amazon but is available here and on Barnes and Noble)
The following two books that blow the whistle on Pasteur date back to the early 20th century.
BĂ©champ or Pasteur - Ethel Douglas Hume
Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter - R.B. Pearson
This needs to be left up to parents
Thank you!!!