Childhood Vaccine Schedule Requirements

The childhood vaccine schedule should be voluntary. Allow for philosophical exemptions and/or eliminate vaccine requirements entirely to attend daycare and public schools in ALL states. This respects parental rights and individual autonomy, acknowledging that parents are best positioned to make health decisions for their children. Balancing public health with personal freedoms, a federal policy can implement measures to mitigate risks while fostering informed choice through education and voluntary compliance.


Reference: it looks like this thread as a similar proposal End Vaccine Mandates


I came here to say this also. 100% imperative for Federal protection of choice and banning mandates without personal belief and religious exemptions.


I say make it illegal to mandate any vaccinations anywhere.
We need to get our parental rights back as parents as we know what is best for our children. As soon as a child is born, they want to give your child a hepatitis vaccine. Why?
We need to get our rights back with our personal information as well.
What ever happened to HIPAA?
We need better protection for our personal information.


Absolutely! A federal protection is necessary. I live in a state with no options, and it has such a heavy impact on major life decisions such as starting a family


At least 1986 schedule and administered one at a time!


A book was recently released that contains plenty of data showing vaccines have never been proven to be safe which totally supports your proposal.


It might be better to heavily modify the schedule (like maybe just polio?) AND make it voluntary. The number of shots required now is insane.


Yes! Is the book “turtles all the way down” by anonymous? I’m reading that now and it has so much great info


Totally. Voluntary would make all the difference!


It seems to me that vaccines have been the elephant in the room for some time now. The gig is up! It’s time to admit that our risks to diseases are far less than the side effects from the vaccines. I see the difference between the unvaccinated children vs the vaccinated children. The unvaccinated ones don’t have numerous ear infections, no antibiotics needed most times, no autism, no surgeries or hospital stays, no autoimmune disorders, etc. They are much more alert as babies than the vaccinated. The only thing vaccinating children does is ensures a customer for life for Big Pharma. It’s sad that parents are fear mongered into agreeing to 72 shots in a little ones life.
Also, could vaccines be the cause of transgenderism? There are aborted fetus cell DNA in vaccines. Could vaccines be the cause of children identifying as dogs and cats? There are animal DNA in vaccines. This is quite problematic at public schools.
Our children and grandchildren deserve better. This is just one Nana’s observation!


So well said!!! Thank you for your input!

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I could not agree more. People are just not connecting the dots with ailments and SIDS. Our children are born with an immune system and do not need vaccines. It must be a choice, not a mandate.


Could not agree more!!

California slipped the Hepatitis B series into mandates in 2020 or 2021 when had eyes on Covid mandates.
My teen has 1 year left of school and were facing this issue to pull her out and lose her access to playing sports and graduation with peers, or give it.
She would be devastated to have to leave school. She became depressed during covid school shutdowns.
She cannot receive it as I have a rare neurological disease and we have no idea if it’s linked to my taking the series in the 90s as a nurse.
Doctors in California are too scared or brainwashed to give an exception.
Additionally her sister appears to have an auto immune disease since she came home from boit camp vaccines.
We’ve been terrified since we received the letter.
We all deserve choice.
The risk benefit is absurd. California removed personal beliefs.


I’m so sorry you are going through that. I am in NY and its the same situation, we are in two of only 5 states that have no exemptions :frowning: im praying that will change !!

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Multiple vaccines given at one time should be fully tested together before being given to children.


Absolutely !


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Withdraw federal school funding from the states that do not allow for religious exemptions!