Covid Vaccine to 6 month old child is insanity!

I cannot believe that the Covid -19 Vaccine is recommended for 6 month old children. This is complete insanity particularly with Vaccine Injured of all ages. My first grandchild was born weighing just barely over 5 pounds. The Vaccines they put in children are scary but the Covid-19 Vaccine at 6 months old should be illegal.


Children – babies are being diagnosed with colon cancer because of these lethal injections!!


Anyone that still put C-19 into their body are filling themselves with poison


It is so sad! Our Doctors are harming our babies by trusting Big Pharma!


Truth! It is insanity!


No vaccines or foreign materials should be administered into the bloodstreams of infants at this age, when they are still attempting to adjust to living outside of the womb.

Those in the medical profession who condone this type of unproductive and harmful treatment of newborns should be retrained immediately to respect human life at this age. They should face monthly retraining classes for an extended period, for each occurance of participating/ supporting/ advising this barbaric activity, or have their licenses suspended for non-compliance. Eventually, they will get with the program, and start living by the oath "to do no harm". My two cents on it.


I absolutely agree! And it needs to STOP NOW!


I just read that the child that died in Texas was given the Measles shot in the hospital without parental consent. You do not administer a vax on a sick patient.


Sadly, I think the pharmaceutical companies have done a switch-a-roo on us, where the “side effects” of medications are the intended outcome of taking the drug, while the active ingredients are weakened, ineffectual, or defective. What else can explain the past 10 years? Accidents? Meteorites? Tribulation?

Naw, I think we are full on “coordinated population reduction” at this time. and nearly the entire medical industry has been compromised. I always wondered why the medical field used the logo of a pair of opposed snakes coiling around a central vertical staff. I think I now understand why. I’ll stay sick at home like they happily did 100 years ago, thank you very much. I’ll come out again after these demons are marched in front of a military tribunal for crimes against humanity. :cowboy_hat_face:


Isn’t that malpractice if they gave a vaccine without your consent as the parent?


Ban all mRNA vaccines. Remove immunity from liability for vaccines in all legislation. If the product isn’t safe enough to withstand liability it shouldn’t be injected into children or any person or animal. This has gone too far to the point of being more than abused by Industry. It is harming. Remove many of the vaccines from the childhood vaccine list. Doctors or practices are paid incentives from insurance companies to meet quality of care which is run by an a group that gets donations from Pfizer. They are given specific amounts of money for each vaccination and/or amounts if they get for example 80 percent of their practice vaccinated. Media advertising relies heavily on pharm. Politicians get contributions to their campaigns from Pharm. Scientists who work for government and University get jobs to research and money from patents for vaccines or any pharm. Hospitals are connected to pharm. Government departments such as HHS, USDA, Defense are all connected to and receive either patents or money from pharm. The people determining the legislation and policies are all making money off pharm.

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Suggest merging posts Remove Pharm from government and media

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All vaccines of any type should be banned until they can be proven effective and safe without participation, input or $$$ from Big Pharma! Yes this has gone way to far and new parents and all parents are being deceived into thinking they are doing something good for their child when they are unknowingly harming their child!

Everything said here in this thread is correct. The Covid vaccine harm is now indisputable and it was predicted. The cancers and deaths are out of control and we are still in the early days again this was predicted. The real question is why do they keep going when everything is being exposed. I am open to answers but after thinking about this for a long time and all options there is only one answer that explains everything that is happening. This isn’t a mistake. This isn’t driven by profit. This is deliberate. This is a depopulation event/attempt. It is potentially already too late. They are killing us. For them there is no turning back. They will finish this if they can they are all in. If they don’t finish it they face a certain end. They have told us their target what they consider a sustainable 1 billion population 2 billion at absolute most.


This isn’t about dollars they know what they are doing. This is cold and deliberate.

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David, if only everyone else had it figured out, as you clearly defined it…we might have a chance as a human race. Please let me know the magic words to educate the masses more than I now try to convey, and I shall certainly adopt them. As you can read from the posts made on this site…most people are either floating in the clouds, or cannot embrace disturbing ideas for more than a few seconds or so…behaving esp, like children. What to do? :face_with_monocle:

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We can try words but unless the person is willing to see then words will not help. The truth is frightening and people do not want to believe it. I have family who are 80% there but cannot accept the truth and take that last step. It is too frightening. For me I am a scientist, I think logically not emotionally. There are 100 points that lead you in the correct direction. Here is one. Why did Fauci, the US government, all the main stream media lie about the virus being created in a lab in China. The shallow answer is it was embarrassing because they were involved and wanted to hide it. The real question why was the USA using many sources of Money including funds through the Pentagon to fund this. Again the shallow thinking, well we were trying to get ahead of the possibility of lethal viruses. The next real question. Why would the USA fund and provide technology to a CCP lab in China that they know could be used, that is the technology, to create deadly biological weapons. The Pentagon would immediately intervene and stop this surely. Why didn’t it?!! What was really going on? Quick Look over here. So tell me why I am wrong. The ‘USA’ and the CCP were working together on gain of function to create potential biological weapons. WHY???

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Identical description (and questions) on my end. Perhaps as scientists, we were formally instructed to follow a precise path of logic, via deductive reasoning, using imperical evidence and scientific methodology. As well, this is perhaps why those of us in our various scientific fields all converge upon the same evidence and use the same cause and effect analysis, while applying only strict logic, to arrive at similar conclusions about the overall picture we collectively see. Hopefully, the masses will awaken before we hit critical mass as a species.


Frankly, anyone who is under 60 should consider forgoing these vaccines - and so should everyone else. I agree entirely - this defines insanity! One could make a Wicked parody of it, if it weren’t so depressing. (But I might go ahead and do it anyway,) Tim Blais has one called Defining Gravity, I’m linking it:

One could even go for mocking the system, and call the parody Defying Sanity .

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