US Citizens Voting On Decisions

I want to propose a policy that gives our people, the US Citizens the power and right to vote towards the governments decision on where our tax dollars are spent, including but not limited to the countries we send foreign aid to; I think this would be great for all Americans because I guarantee if this policy was implemented, then our Hurricane Victims would not be suffering as much as they are right now and illegals wouldn’t be doing better off than the hard working American who can’t even afford their rent and mortgage in this economy and also our own people and citizens would be our priority, not millions sent to a country that is in a never ending war with Russia.


Would we vote for a yearly budget or a 2 year budget? How would the voting work? I do think voting on who we send foreign aid to might cause them to think about what countries we send aid too. There should be no aid sent to countries that are our enemies.


It would be nice to see the age of social security brought down to 55 or even 60 before we start sending finances elsewhere


We need to redefine Congress’s power through a Constitutional Amendment and impose clear limits and punishments, for bad behavior, within that Amendment.

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I would much rather faze out Social Security in favor of privately controlled retirement accounts. That is really what 401Ks, SIMPLE, IRAs and 457Ks were all about. The return on investment of all the Social Security dollars we paid in over the years, as well as the Social Security dollars our employers matched into our account is much lower than it would have been, had we put our money into properly managed, privately held accounts.

We also opened the door for Congress to take that trust money that was reserved for retirement and spend it irresponsibly. Get it out of the government’s hands. There should be strict fiduciary standards for the funds and investments where those dollars are invested.


I agree with you that would be even better however I don’t see it happening anytime soon

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Yes, before I saw your post I was going to propose the same thing! Have Americans vote on what they want their moneys spent on. The government would have to make their case to the electorate on why they need the money spent in this way. Also it does not need to be a yes or no vote. You are voting on how YOU want your money spent. You can vote on what percentage you what spent on certain items. Such as maybe I want tax money going to education I can a lot 1 to 100% and that would be their budget for the year. What the people decide to spend on that particular item. If it gets no money then it gets no money. All spending should be that way. Of course if you don’t pay taxes then unfortunately unless you just want to donate. You have no money to a lot.

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I have been saying this for years! It should be up to THE PEOPLE to vote whether or not tax money is sent to other countries. The government should make an announcement that they want to send OUR money to other countries for ??? and the polls open at this time and close at this time. The decision is made after the votes are counted. For an example, look at and see how much of OUR money is going to other countries for Protection, Assistance and Solutions, Infrastructure, HIV/AIDS, and Agriculture etc. MILLIONS! But we have Americans being overtaxed, homeless because of disasters, veterans that are disowned, and seniors that are barely getting by. Take care of Americans first and then consider the other countries.