Choice to direct our tax dollars

Allow citizens who pay taxes a choice on what our tax dollars are funding. Such as giving each individual taxpayer options on where we want our taxes going to like infrastructure, public services, military, foreign aid, etc as a percentage. (Example being sending 20% of my tax dollars to this option and 40% to another option, etc.) I think it could use alot more detail and I am no expert but I feel it would be a decent idea, because I for one am tired of my tax money being used to fund foreign nations and wars. It would also show our elected officials what is popular and what isnt with the people and maybe influence them on their decisions, and do what the people want.


Hear, here! I agree. A built in vote taxation system.

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We currently have one option to direct where out tax dollars go: whether we want to give to the presidential election fund. I am not crazy about this option at all, but I choose to do it, because it is that much money that DOESN’T go to the things like abortion and war.

I would love to see this concept expanded and at the very least provide options to RESTRICT where our tax dollars go…even if it acts more as a straw poll and allows congress to hear We The People loud and clear every April 15th on how we want our tax dollars used.

The vast majority of American’s won’t call thier representative to reprimand misappropriation of our hard earned money, so congress should be required to review the results of this poll that is included in our tax returns and be held accountable for ignoring us.