The right to truly OWN something

When you think about it We The People really don’t own anything. If you fail to pay a tax on your Real Estate property, Personal property or anything of value you own you are subject to forfeiture or confiscation of said property. I almost want to send the State a bill for the upkeep of their property ( my home ) yearly. I cut the grass, paint it, pay for pest control…etc ad nauseam. However if you should have a financial difficulty and not pay your real estate taxes you eventually could find yourself losing your property. In America, shouldn’t you actually own something free and clear? We’re already so close to the WEF goal of " You’ll own nothing, and be happy" meanwhile, they’ll own everything!


Have you read the book called “You will own nothing”? Very frightening path…We collectively need to resist this at all turns.


I think our legislators need to return true ownership back to the people. That of course depends on if they are nationalists or globalists.


Property taxes are state and local they’re not federal you have pretty damn good control over how much they are and if yours are excessive and I know some of them are I’ve seen some of them then you need to run for whatever office is the worst offensive for that if it’s your cities property taxes that are too high if your county’s property taxes or if you have a state that charges state property taxes you need to run for those offices to change that knock on doors tell people you want it changed also go to the Pacific Legal Foundation they are like the ACLU for landowners and in 2023 Tyler v Hennepin county the Supreme Court unanimously decided that taking property for back taxes is a fifth Amendment violation and they may not keep anything more than the taxes owed so they have to at least give the property owner of the proceeds from the sales. Understand that this was only in 2023 a lot of areas still don’t know about it many taxing authorities don’t want you to know about it so when it comes time for them to print the tax list write a letter to the editor highlighting Tyler versus Hennepin county, you also might send that case or summary of that case to your local taxing authorities because there’s a good chance they don’t know about it yet it is a very new decision and it was a unanimous Supreme Court decision.


Property Taxes are a State/County issue (not a Federal issue). It is something you need to contact your State Rep and State Senator to discuss.


As others have pointed out property taxes are state and local, not federal, issues. That said, it is pretty much a common issue across the country and should be addressed.

Many have suggested replacing federal taxes with simplier national sales tax approach. If such a plan is adopted then states could replace property, income, and other taxing schemes by appending a state sales tax adder (like most already have) to the federal sales tax. Most that have their own income taxes already do this.

Taxes are taxes. All come out of wages one way or another. I believe that a case can be made that property based taxes violate the intent of the constitution since they are neither fair nor equal. If that is indeed the case then the question needs to be directly addressed by the US Supreme Court.

Some may suggest that this is a state level decision and voters in each state should address it. That’s a bit like fifty folks trying to get rid of an infestation of raoches by stomping them one at a time… it’s neither efficient nor effective. Only by using a weapon of mass (roach) destruction and killing them all at once can they be eradicated. One ruling by the Supreme Court could do it.

If property taxes are not constitutionally prohibited then, baring an amendment to that document, about the only alternative is to find a mechanism that brings in the same revenue with less effort. One sure way to get swamp people to support something is to give them a way to work less and still make their salary!

I vote for baiting the hook with less work… like a free ride on a national sales tax.


Is someone telling you that county government violations of the “national/federal” Constitution (ie: private property extortion) should be handled at the county/state level?

And how does it violate the “national” Constitution? …

There are many "property tax apologists" out there who will try to get you believe that yearly property taxes are completely permissable under the Constitution, and if you have issues with it, you must contact the very in-state people and agencies that are part of the problem. Coincidentally, many of them actually earn money directly or indirectly from government funds.

Simply put, violations of the Federal Constitution are very much in scope at the federal level. Just because the crime occurs in a certain state doesn’t magically confine the issue to that state. We are not talking about violations of said state’s constitution – we are talking about violations of laws that override state laws and its tax codes – the Constitution is the overriding law of the land.

The current county property tax rackets are crimininal and Federal in scope since…

1. It violates the U.S. Constitution 1st, 4th, 5th, 14th, and 16th Amendments.
2. It equates to State and Federal RICO crimes throughout the majority of States.
3. The U.S. Constitution trumps State Law under the Supremacy Clause which exists to prohibit a State from violating the Constitution.

US Constitution, 1st Amendment, summarized: The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

US Constitution, 4th Amendment, summarized: The right of the People to be secure in their houses shall not be violated.

US Constitution, 5th Amendment summarized: Fifth Amendment creates a number of rights relevant to both criminal and civil legal proceedings. In criminal cases, the Fifth Amendment guarantees the right to a grand jury, forbids “double jeopardy,” and protects against self-incrimination. It also requires that “due process of law” be part of any proceeding that denies a citizen “life, liberty or property” and requires the government to compensate citizens when it takes private property for public use.

US Constitution, 14th Amendment, summarized: No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

US Constitution, 16 th Amendment:
• 16th Amendment as summarized says that Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
• Taxing property before it is sold, at a value in excess of what was paid at purchase, is essentially a tax on unrealized gains. It is not a tax on income and therefore should not be permitted by law.
• Unrealized gain may be stated on paper, but it is not cash in hand/bank.
• Income (or loss) cannot exist unless currency ($$) or other asset has been received or traded creating an actual realized gain or loss.

Constitutional and Federal violations with the current property tax racket are NOT solved at the state or county level, or by persons representing these local governments. Don’t be duped by individuals telling you that it is a state/local issue when clearly as seen here, it is federal and national, and should be resolved in a newly revamped Constitution-supporting court system (after the many traitors are flushed from those judicial ranks) via impartial and properly-functioning checks and balances. Bottom line: Unconstitutional and illegal property tax schemes need to be addressed at the federal level (initiated up through the court system), and policy discussions should be taking place in an effort to tackle this nationwide criminal practice.

The Courts are the way to proceed forward with unconstitutional property taxes - not the state and county executive branches, or the legislative branch. The way forward is via"Checks And Balances" that our Founding Fathers put into place for just such an overreach of Individual Rights. (And the unconstitutional ruling of a traitorous paid-off judge does not change the fact that property taxes are unconstitutional and illegal. Nor does his repugnant (null and void) ruling establish any form of valid judicial precident for any other future property tax case. It simply means we need more rope and more housecleaning).


Allodial Title:

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Yes get involved locally but honestly until our elections are fair again what’s been happening in my community will continue.


Sign up as an elector, join a county assembly in your state for your county and join other Americans to take back this country, Abolish ALL taxes and RETURN this country back to the Republic our forefathers gave us! ITS TIME!

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The Supreme Court did recently rule on property taxes 2 years ago on the seizure of property, many areas don’t know about it because it’s only 2 years old but if your property is seized for back taxes the taxing authority that took it can only take the amount owed in the back taxes that is it. They have to return the rest of it to you it’s called home equity theft. In the case was Tyler v Hennepin county the Supreme Court ruled on it unanimously. If you have Facebook you can go in there and follow Pacific Legal Foundation they’re the ones who want it in the Supreme Court for the property owner, they do a lot of this and they’ve taken a lot of the home equity theft to state courts and it’s just been one win right after the other because of that Supreme Court ruling so he might go ahead and take a look at that and follow them and if you see a problem area or if you see a tax sale you might send it to your local taxing authority


Thanks for the update. I’ll spread the word around here.

Post Shifted.

Totally agree, I hope Trump will consider this in his 4yrs, it would be a real tax break for Americans, and incentive to pay off your mortage

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Hello All:
Please consider voating for my Proposal if you haven’t. Also ask others to do the same. You can copy the link and use it in Social Media Platforms like FB, X, Gab etc. This is a National problem that is totally out of control. Thank for your time & have a Blessed Day. Fred Walker

I need to do more research on this, but I was reading recently about an Allodial Title in reference to your home so that you are exempt from paying taxes…Like I said I need to research more…

Your sense of the direction of policies may be quite on target. David Rogers Webb, in The Great Taking, lays out a hidden adgenda that has redefined property oqwnership via the Universal Commercial Code. Bizzarely, the bank which once loaned you money now has prior claim on you property - even if your loan is paid off.

I agree with you. We are a rent society. Not ideal.
I also think we should hold the WEF for damages with covert use of implamenting their policies for the world.

Agree and I believe property taxes are not constitutional. It would be interesting to look into the history of property taxes. Seniors should not have to pay them, at least, but I do believe that no one should. In a town I used to live in, seniors I think only paid half, but they stopped that. So greedy. You are right, how can they tax something you own and have the ability to take it from you? I guess that means we are really paying rent to the towns and cities we live in. I live in Florida now and there is a movement to get rid of property taxes and other states, too. We need to start a movement in all 50 states. We the people must say no. Like income tax, what are they going to do if no one pays, put us all in jail? That is why w-2 employees have taxes taken out. Even self-employed they make you pay quarterly the amount of previous year’s tax and if you don’t you get a penalty but if you make less they give you a “refund” with no interest. Let’s start a movement. LOL


And some of the gov entities will not pay you for any equity that the property accrued. If they take the property and sell it for more than they say you owe then they don’t always pay the owner the difference. It has been called out as illegal but it takes money to sue which Gov has unlimited supplies. That has to be looked at as they will make a person go through everything in order to get justice.