Regarding proprty tax of the primary residence I think that there should be tax relief for elderly and handicapped. Ideally no property tax after age 65 or at the very least at age 65 or at Disability the amount of tax should be locked and not increase. The significant increase in assessed value over the last several years has really hurt seniors living on a fixed income. I don’t think it’s right to tax seniors on a fixed income so much that it forces them out of their homes. Yes it’s a state issue but it’s also a national problem.
It doesn’t seem right that we actually have to pay the government to live on this planet does it? Agree 100% abolish property tax!
Hi Sarah. What if I told you that these deep state cabalist types have already been taking care of, and that we will not travel down their dystopian path? I won’t ask you to believe me, but I will ask you to stay tuned.
I can only hope you are correct!
We should have a right to own what we have and take care of. You could apply for an allocated title for your home, your car or whatever else you own.
If the queen of England can have an allocated title for the Buckingham Palace, you sure as well might as well try to get one for your house.
What’s fair for them, must be fair for the little folks.
Well if you look at the market today, a song you use to record and keep on tape for years, is now rented on apps., a software you use buy is now under subscription model, you tv channel are under subscription, your house is taxed same as subscription, if they could corporations and government would take you for everything you have and make of you a slave for life. Why do you think you go work till 67 with a 76 years life expectancy, The system is messed up, you never own your house even if it’s paid in full, you cannot do what you want on your land, more and more items are subscription based, even your phone they force you to upgrade. You cannot just stop working live on and of your land without paying someone.
No! I’ve been paying property taxes on my property for just over 11 years, I paid sales tax in the community and I have roots in the community. I live in a high value tourist destination area with very low property taxes. If you eliminate property taxes for seniors and disabled they will be flocking to this area and enjoying the fruits of everyone else’s labor for nothing. A better way to cut down or eliminate property taxes for seniors would be to have graduated property tax exemptions. If you’ve lived and paid property taxes in the city or county for 20 years then no property taxes because you have invested in that area you’ve paid property taxes even if it’s only through rent you’ve paid sales taxes you’ve put Roots into that area you have blood sweat and tears in that area. I am absolutely not good just a giveaway.
From the many exchanges I have encountered regarding property taxes, the argument that you present regarding property tax “protections” for the elderly and disabled seems to be the most popular. As a society, we do have an obligation to protect our most vulnerable Americans, and this is probably why your argument is so vocalized. That said, there are still a few rotten apples in our society that want to keep property taxes in place, and as high as possible for selfish, hypothetical, often misguided reasons – consider their influence as nasty as those who steer people the wrong way when it comes to resolving tax issues. Nasty 10% out there who think the 90% owes them special status – but thank God the majority look out for the majority instead of themselves.
My concern is the inflation driven Assessor’s ever increasing valuation of property - regarding how that affects people with a fixed income who are no longer in the workforce due to age or disability . Perhaps the fair way to tax single family owner occupied residences would be to lock the assessors valuation at the time the house was sold. The concept of taxing unrealized capitol Gains is all the more reason for the government to encourage inflation. County taxes you more on your house because the value of comparable property has increased due to inflation. So now you have the same house you had 15 years ago but tax has tripled because of government created inflation. For those on a fixed income this government caused inflation enables the government to tax you out onto the street where you can live in a tent.
I won’t lie to you I’m concerned for everybody with property taxes it is ridiculous to have to work a second job to pay property taxes I don’t care if you’re in your early twenties or if you’re in your 70s it is BS. It is also a local issue. I’m very much for a graduated tax exemption or no taxes at all but again I can’t say no taxes at all because it is a local issue. Your property taxes don’t go to the federal government your property taxes go to your local government that’s why it’s a local issue and I can promise you if you’ve got high taxes everybody hates them equally but if you were to knock on doors especially renters doors look up what that tax bill was because I don’t think renters understand that property taxes are built into their rent and if they’re renting a single family home with a $6,000 tax bill on it that’s $6,000 added to their rent per year. It might change their vote it may even make them vote. Show up at your local meetings that way people can see your face and hear you speak and then you talk to the people after the meetings you don’t necessarily have to talk to your counsel but you talk to the other people who were in the meetings that way they see your face and they hear what you have to say it scares the people who are running the meetings when you talking to other people. Because then you become a threat to their job and they start to pay attention to what the people want.
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