The freely travel policy

allow citizens to register vehicles federally.
policy addresses the growing disconnect from state to state regarding lawfully allowed vehicles to freely travel within and from state to state.
california has been the leader in limiting citizen choice regarding acceptable vehicles that meet strict air resource board requirements. many other states follow the lead of california regarding this issue.
details include a one time registration process within the department of commerce for any lawful citizen to perform a one time registration and issue of federal plates. citizens will submit a statement of facts i.e. … “my state does not allow me to freely travel within state in a vehicle of my choice and without excess expense and burden for me to engage in free commerce.”
federal plates allow the vehicle to freely travel from state to state and within as intended by the constitution. statement of facts will document the illegal lawfare occurring in offending states and charge those responsible with constitutional crimes federally within each state with federal incarceration in dc. no state or federal funds to be used for criminal defense of constitutional crimes. all constitutional crimes will use the definitions described in blacks law dictionary first edition. judge screening will take place to ensure a proficiency with blacks law dictionary first edition. if non found the charged will remain incarcerated until a suitable judge created.