I submit for consideration Term Limits for both Congressman and Senators. My proposal would limit both the Congress and Senate to a Four-Year term which can be served twice. If a person runs for congress and wins for two terms, that ends their congressional career, they can then run for Senate to serve four years and only for two terms. After which they can no longer run for office in those positions. To be clear, A maximum of a four year per term for two cycles totaling eight years. And these terms will be voted on every four years when the Presidential Election happens. Added to this, No Senator or Congressman can become a Lobbyist after serving their terms. Former Politicians will be banned from becoming a Lobbyist after their term. This will do away with the never ending election cycles we always seem to be in now.


Do you give criminals a set time limit to commit as many crimes as they like without fear of prosecution ? Then why allow politicians to do so? Enforce the Oath of Office at ALL levels of government, arrested, prosecuted and removed from office the same as criminals are arrested, prosecuted and removed from society into prison.

First of all, you’re talking about two entirely different subjects. Term Limits for Senators and Congressman, have nothing to do with common criminals. And YES, if a federal official breaks his or her Oath of Office, they should be criminally prosecuted.

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Why should State or local politicians, or any other sworn public employee be exempted from the laws? Soros DAs for example that refuse to prosecute crimes? or State & City officials that pass unconstitutional infringements on the 2A?
PS didn’t a court already strike down term-limits as unconstitutional?

Dude, you’re on the wrong page and subject. Move on. We’re on the same side. No one is talking about exempting anyone from prosecution. Where did you read that in my proposal? You’re talking about 2 way different subjects, one of which I did not mention.

What is the purpose of the Term Limits you are proposing? Altering election cycles & termination of political ‘careers’ ? To what end, what benefit ? Do as you wish, carry on.

Our founding Fathers never intended for Government Politicians to become “Career Politicians” Why not make it simpler an easy for the voting public to just have elections every 4 years. Elect our President, Senator & Congressman at one time. The term limits put an end to politicians becoming greedy with money and power. Pretty simple and easy to understand concept.