Term Limits & Age limits: The only way to clean up congress

This is one of the most popular and bipartisan issues to date. Right now members are only thinking about how to get re-elected, by pandering to special interests. They spend more time fundraising than doing their jobs. Term limits would change this culture and make members focused on solving problems.Term limits being instated would eliminate people squatting in an office for 30-50 years. And term limits would deliver fresh faces and ideas.

Term limits would Demolishes the seniority system –seniority equals influence in washington. Term limits would replace seniority with a merit system.

Address the incumbent advantage –Term limits make elections more winnable and competitive by tackling the advantage of the incumbent. Open seat races give voters more options.

Age is another concern. If a pilot can’t fly after 65 years of age, physicians have to retire when they can no longer do the job, and so forth we shouldnt have congress members over 70 years old making decisions for the entire country.

I propose a 15 year term limit OR a 65 year old age limit which would mean if a 30 year old is elected they can have a career in congress for 30 years.

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