I think Congress should have an age limit on how old they can serve! Or at the very least, they should be required to pass a very strict physical, mental, emtional, and cognitive tests in order to serve. I would think 75 should be old enough. We have too many old people in Congress that needs to retire. We have age restrictions on how young you can be to serve! Why not how old you can serve!
This would be fixed with putting term limits
I would rather see term limits. Then we could possibly have a better mix of generations in congress. Perhaps someone wants to get involved later on, like with actors who started after they were 50 or 60? Also, don’t want to discriminate based on age.
They have set an age limit on how young you can be to serve! And there should be an age limit on how old you can be to serve! Too many examples of too old people serving in Congress! They need to hang it up! Especially thinking of Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer!