State Ran Universal Healthcare

Our healthcare system is a mess to put things simply. The cost of health insurance is skyrocketing, and so many Americans go without having any medical care due to this. These are peoples lives - it is not a game of monopoly like many health insurance companies play. With this being a matter of preserving health/life in our country, and with our free enterprise system being profit driven, I do not think it is wise for the two to mix. If we took the power away from health insurance companies and developed a state ran healthcare system, we could bring down or eliminate the costs of healthcare for every American. Of course it is unconstitutional to impose universal healthcare on everyone, so leaving it up to each state to decide whether they will participate in a healthcare program is important to protect the integrity of our constitution. I believe that if we cut wasteful spending in our government, that a program like this is attainable without having to raise taxes, or by raising them slightly, which would still be less than current health insurance premiums and fees.

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I agree with your assessment of the current hodgepodge we call medical care in the US. I have some thought on how to implement a healthcare system that would let those who prefer the current healthcare options while offering a simple no cost alternative.

Check out an alternative approach that meets many of your objectives. It’s outlined in "the elephant in the room ". The easiest way to find it is to search for “elephant” in the title. I’d love to hear your comments.

I consider reforming our healthcare system a number one priority for the new …

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