The way health insurance is ran now is garbage - unless you have a great employer coverage where employer contributes and are lucky enough to have a great PPO plan - you are screwed. The problem was never Obamacare, the problem with insurance is the way it’s structured and the huge amounts charged for services.
- Everyone should have access to the SAME coverage, with the same hospitals and doctors. This whole idea of networks is a money making scheme for doctors who do not want to file additional paperwork and since people are trusting the doctor they’ll buy expensive plans to be able to see the doctor once in a blue moon. Get rid of the networks business - allow people to get the care they need.
- Insurance does not have to be free so instead of punishing people with paying a fee for not having a health plan (thank God it was removed by president Trump in 2019). Let’s incentivize people to have it by allowing them to have a portion of insurance already as long as they pay taxes - imagine how many people would start filing. Then have options to buy the rest on private side - kind of like Medicare works now. Allow only certified and licensed agents to assist in the enrollments, the SHIPs and Navigators know nothing and are not properly trained therefore are not able to assist the consumers fully while agents have to re-certify every year in order to sell the policies.
- Universal pricing. The biggest reason why health insurance is so expensive is because the pricing for anything medical in this country is blown out of proportion. This should not be the hard - make a UNIVERSAL pricing and charge the same amount for the visit, lab, surgery, etc. It is sickening that an MRI with insurance is being billed as $3000 or more but if you go and get it done Cash it’s $500. Make it $500 regardless that way insurance covers a portion of it and you cover the rest or even a co-pay but stop putting people responsible for the bills in case insurance tries not to cover or adjust the claim amount.
- Make it simple. People are confused enough so building the policy the way it is now with deductible and maximum out of pocket is unnecessary. If someone is sick the last thing on their mind is to spend hours on bureaucracy and fights with insurance.
- Kids and Retirees should be covered 100% regardless of the income. The stupidity of having Free Medicaid for kids but if their parents make a $1 over the limit they cannot have it is unnecessary. They are kids they will not work now and they need to be covered regardless. Same with elderly their SS check are slim and the Medicaid qualifications are lower than for a working adult.
- Allow people to access naturopathic doctors and eastern medicine as part of the process. Not everyone is thrilled to have chemicals in their body. Pharmaceutical companies are making profits on all the medicine and every single medicine has side effects - making the original problem worse or causing new ones.
- Currently insurance companies dictate the course of treatment for patients and that needs to change and its the doctor and the patient that need to make it. It’s a waste to have eto get an X-ray before MRI for a leg injury if there are no breaks. Simplify the process.
- Women’s sanitary menstrual products need to be covered by insurance 100% it is a necessity and not a luxury. They also need to be non-toxic as of now many pads are made with toxic and harsh chemicals.
- Maternity needs to be covered for up to a year and not like its now for 6 weeks. The healing process takes much longer than 6 weeks - again insurance companies should not be in charge of the treatment process.
- Mental Health and easy access for mental health professionals is a must. Its degrading than now kids need to wait 15-18 months on wait lists to get evaluated for mental problems.
- Dental and Vision needs to be included in the health insurance. Also dental needs to be included at 100% coverage not minimal coverage of $2000 where work that needs to be done exceeds the benefit. This should not be treated as cosmetic.