Not sure if this goes here or not. I wonder how many politicians realize just how poor Social Security Insurance (SSI) recipients are? Here in Oklahoma the most the MOST a disabled person on SSI can receive is about 741.00!!! This is “supposed” to just meet their basic living costs? IF, and ONLY if they can get into low income housing this 741.00 Might, just might be enough, but it allows for little else. And if they cannot get into low-income housing, well most rent starts at 500.00+ a month, which really allows for NOTHING else. I would like to see the benefits for social security Insurance be increased. Social Security Disability Insurance is totally dependent upon the work history of the individual but sometimes it is no better than the 741.00 monthly. American people with disabilities deserve better than this. Most are dependent upon other programs to assist them. especially when Medicaid does NOT cover the costs of some items, for instance hearing aids, for the deaf, is not covered by any insurance co., or Medicaid for Adults, and just recently does insurance cover the cost for children, but deafness does not end when a person reaches 26 and falls of parental insurance. And if you are deaf adult, well too bad. Fortunately, the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act of 2016 can assist with this cost through the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It focuses on employment outcomes. The employment rate for individuals with disabilities is 22%. BUT another issue is that if an individual that draws SSI manages to get a job, then SSA proceeds to take a 2 for 1 dollar away from the individual. Plus, if you’re drawing SSDI due to a disabling condition, then SSA only allows 9 month of trial work, and if you meet successful gainful amount, then they take away your SSDI. Historically these individuals never make it to the level that would make them “middle class” income. Especially if a student with a disability drawing SSI who wants to work but due to limitations of their disability will NEVER make income rated at middle class. The rate of monetary benefits for SSI really needs to be looked at. There are several elderly individuals at retirement age that do not draw a livable wage, especially if they have not had a solid work history.
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I am hooping that with all of the found expenses that have been wasted that the goverment will take that money and put it into programs like Social Security. I dont think it will happen quickly because they still have to clean up the different departments and get rid of the fraudulent recipients but it should definitely be something to consider long term. There is no way that most of us could live on only 741 a month. I grew up with my family on SSI, my dad was on it for years because of his health issues and we struggled almost every month to keep the lights on and And food on the table.