Make Social Security and Social Security Disability a Living Wage

We need to be a nation that takes care of our seniors and those who are disabled. No tax on Social Security is a good start, but it does not help everyone. Those who need help most already do not make enough on their social security benefits to be required to pay taxes in the first place! These are the people who need something done for them, to help them!

The past four years have been devastating for those seniors and disabled who are on this fixed income. The yearly COLA does NOT keep up with the true cost of living. Especially during time of inflation. Cola for 2025 is set to be 2.5%. Down fro 3.2% last year. I challenge any lawmaker to live on social security, with no extra help from anyone for 1 month! Maybe then they will care about those of us who have to live on it, all the time, and give us a living income!

I would add, if we cannot do better on the amount of these COLAs, lets offer seniors on the lower end of the payment amount more than $23.00 a month for SNAP! Seniors and Disabled People should not have to choose between food, utilities and health care, but we do, now.

Thank you for reading.


I have also created a policy for SSI disability reform to increase asset allowance and safety net to work (when possible) here: