Select Trumps Future Administration

Fill in names you’d recommend.

President: Donald J. Trump
Vice President: JD. Vance
House Speaker: (Traitor Mike Johnson must go)
House Majority Leader:
House Minority Leader:
Senate Majority Leader:
Senate Minority Leader:
Chief of Staff:
National Security Advisor:
Secretary of State:
White House Counsel:
Deputy National Security Advisor:
White House Press Secretary: Alex Jones

To the First Lady: Melanie Trump
Chief of Staff:
Senior Adviser:

Senior Advisor:
Homeland Security;
National Climate:

Assistants to the President: (Select up to 15) Vivek, etc.
Domestic Policy:
Special Assistants:
Climate and Science Agency Person:
Economic Policy:
Intergovernmental Affairs:
Legislative Affairs:
Management and Administration:
Oval Office Operations:
Presidential Correspondence:
Presidential Personnel:
Public Engagement:
Speechwriting: Tucker Carlson
White House Military Office:
White House Personnel:

Key roles:
CIA Director: Kash Patel
FBI Director: Dan Bongino… ?
CDC Director: RFK
FDA Head:
NIH Director:
IRS Director:
Attorney General:
Secretary of HHS: Dr. Joseph Ladapo
Head of NASA:
Federal Reserve Chairman:

Extra Positions:
(Joseph Draper add-ons) Please add your own.

Women’s Reproductive Health Department: Naomi Wolf
Vaccine Injuries Prosecutor:
Mass Deportation and Immigration Director:
Big Pharma Prosecutor:
Military Reduction and Simplification Chief:
CCP Decoupling Director:
Creative Solutions Advisor: Joseph Draper & James Okeefe
Federal Reserve Depopulation Director:
National Christian Coalition Advisor:
Deep State Special Investigator:
Government Economic Efficiency Advisor: Elon Musk
Globalist Detoxification Chief: Alex Jones
Free Speech and Censorship Marshal: Candace Owen?
Big Tech and Propaganda Investigation and Prosecutor:
Blackrock & Zionist Assassination Attempt Investigator:
LGBT in Education Detox Head:
Steel Dossier Special Prosecutor:
Lost Children Rescue Unit Head:
Voter Rolls National Examiner:

The President’s cabinet is made of 15 leaders of executive departments. This advisory body is appointed by the president and confirmed by the United States Senate. The heads of these departments are also fundamental to the Presidential line of succession because after the Vice President, Speaker of the house, and Senate President pro tempore, the succession goes down the line of Cabinets starting with the departments that were created first. These Cabinets include:

  1. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  2. Department of Commerce
  3. Department of Defense
  4. Department of Education
  5. Department of Energy (DOE)
  6. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
  7. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  8. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  9. Department of the Interior (DOI)
  10. Department of Justice (DOJ)
  11. Department of Labor
  12. Department of State
  13. Department of Transportation (DOT)
  14. Department of the Treasury
  15. Department of Veteran Affairs
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Jd Vance for senate majority. It is possible.


Attorney General is arguably THE MOST important position. We are a Republic, a nation with a foundation of laws, and without a smart, determined and ballsy AG, there will be no justice for the hell the country has been through. This person MUST NOT be a swamp member like Barr. Whitaker, Vivek, or Paxton would take my vote.

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Gen Flynn for Homeland Sec Director. His knowledge of how enemies think, operate and how to counter these operations would be a good fit.


I do not want John Cornyn as Senate Majority Leader. Should be Rick Scott.


He would be great!

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I see new, made up departments listed here. Let’s not make the government ANY BIGGER. We don’t need more departments and more positions. Elon Musk will downsize the government and it is SORELY NEEDED!

Kari Lake for Secretary of State! They cheated her out of Governor and Senator, if they don’t stop the steal here and it’s taken from her! Trump should put her as SoS!!


All I can say is NONE of these guys on this list of Ukraine war sympathizers, and the top 2 are already up for senate majority apparently. My pick of the 3 options I’ve seen for senate majority is Rick Scott!

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So is Alex Jones a good idea for Press Secretary or nah?! :rofl: To be fair though, AJ has been right on with a lot of issues, it’s just that his delivery was horrible. He’d be a good press secretary, but he’d have to tone down the rhetoric a few million notches! :sunglasses:

Ken Paxton has been fire tested and stood firm. No other attorney general has fought like he has for the country. Ken Paxton for USAG.


WE THE PEOPLE OF ND would love to share with you our experiences in having Doug Burgum as a Governor of our state. We were essentially in a panic mode when Doug Burgum was being considered for VP. He is not fit for any office in a Conservative Republican organization. The only reason he is a Republican is because ND is a red state. He is a RINO, and his policies and practices have proved this.

He loves China and his connections with Bill Gates, the WEF and the WHO as well as the Climate Change hoax are strong! He has made so many agricultural and energy deals with China it would take months to get through everything he has done to harm our great state.

He is pushing for eminent domain against our communities and small farms in order to place an unnecessary CO2 pipeline, and is attempting to oust our small farms and replace with big corporate farming corporations! Please DO NOT consider him for ANY position in your cabinet. It would be a grave mistake stake for our country. Thank you.


DAN BONGINO FOR SECRET SERVICE DIRECTOR! No one is better fit for the job. I have watched his podcast every single day since he started it, he has teared up out of love for President Trump and in fear over the failures of the secret service. He is the perfect man for the job and I am praying to God he is who is selected to be the Director.


Hulk Hogan LOL

Trump consider Dan Bongino for head of secret service

Senator Joe Manchin for Department of Energy

Thank you for posting this. I am very nervous that he has been nominated for Secretary of the Interior. I second all of the points made in your original post.

And now Trump has made this RINO part of his administration. He never seems to learn!:rage:

Dan Bongino? Really. Explain how a beat cop from NYC went to be the head of Obama’s security detail? Then on to a multimillion Podcast. We need answers first.