A promised made 10/09/2020

Donald Trump said on October 9, 2020 that when he steps back in the office he’s gonna come back in as 1776!!! And we’re gonna live under the law of the land, the crooked knights of Templar or the Knights of the Golden Circle crooked Bar Association law is gonna be abolish!!! He’s gonna have to retrain all the judges and retrain all the lawyers to the law of the land!!! I hope that really happens sooner than later cause this crooked bar and this crooked fiat currency has all got to go !! Just like your crooked judge in New York with all the gag orders no due process or all the crooked attorney generals that was practicing the corporation bar law !! We are sovereign we are born on the land ! And by George Washington’s definition of being Sovereign! We live under black law and common law !and we are not part of the corporation the Bar law from Chancellor Lane in Great Britain.!!! President Trump please get rid of the Bar law !!


I think the original idea was that every man is King. Of course there was that little problem of slavery so that had to be rectified with the 14th amendment (or 15th if you count the original 13th titles of nobility amendment that almost got completely erased from knowledge during one of their “resets”) - ever since then every man has been Slave.

President Trump has indeed earned a reputation of “promises made, promises kept”. However, not all promises have been kept so I wouldn’t hold your breath on this one. For example, several years ago we were promised a 911 investigation but the 1st term came and went and this never happened.