A great addition to the remaining Trump rallies or Trump Unity Radio/TV appearances

For the remaining campaign Trump Unity 2024 rallies and Trump Unity TV/radio shows, why not prominently post President Trump’s 20 CORE PROMISES TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? Is it true President Trump’s 20 Core Promises to Make America Great Again and all of the MAHA ideas are part of the Trump/Vance/Kennedy/Gabbard/Musk Unity Political Platform policies? If these two are one and the same, why not post on Big Screen TVs at the remaining rallies and TV/Radio appearances your best Trump Unity MAGA/MAHA policies? Make these policies so visible and prominent, CNN and MSNBC can easily see and televise them on their network TV’s (and all of their millions? of viewers can see them! In these last seven days of the campaign, millions of liberal MSNBC/CNN/often Trump-hating viewers can see not how loveable President Trump is, but how fantastic the MAGA/MAHA policies really are. These posted policies can influence millions of liberal/moderate voters in the last days of the campaign until Election Day. This can mean the difference between a very close Presidential race and a MUCH BIGGER MARGIN OF VICTORY ON NOVEMBER 5TH. It’s literally all about some very important OPTICS! Please make sure this message gets to the very highest levels of the 2024 Trump Unity Campaign, including Mr.'s Trump and Kennedy themselves. MAGA and MAHA. Please get back to me from Trump/Vance/Kennedy/Gabbard/Musk Cent Com (Central Command). George Vetnar