School lunches

I would like to see the school lunches improve. Some of these school lunches look like prison food. I’ve seen many pictures of mold in foods fed to our kids. You look at school lunches.In other countries, it’s embarrassing what we feed our kids. I make all of my kids lunches, because i’m terrified of the things that are in the school lunches. I would love to see a change in that. I would love to see the food that to our kids be nutritional and healthy. Maybe we can I figure out a way to give all of our kids free lunch. I would like that too.

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I asked a friend who works in a lunch room at a school what she thinks of the lunches. This is some of the stuff she told me, mind you this is just one school.

challenge: the schools have to follow a guidelines, to make a meal, for example, a meal is considered an entree, set amount of an entree, 2 other food groups ( grain, veggie, fruit, dairy etc. ), the lunch workers are asked to push the kids to make a meal, often times the kids don’t want a full plate of food, the veggie or fruit will end up in the trash. This particular School district, charges for the meals ( $1.95 - $2.50 ) on average instead of the whole meal, ( typically $3.90 depending on their lunch status, free or reduced etc.) they push not to have no added sugar, sodium etc. everything is normally frozen, which usually has preservation in that also includes lot of sodium and other things, most the foods have no flavor or any real color.

Landscape: since the school / government treats the lunch program like a business, the school program designed for the schools to get reimbursed for meals students purchase, the schools does this to get there funding. There seems to be a lot of food wasted, because the kids don’t want to eat it but the schools still make there funding.

Evidence: a school lunch lady, who working in the lunch room, as well been in charge at one point. I googled school lunches in other countries, a video cam up on u tube, interesting to watch, I watched total of two videos, i was shocked at what other countries do for there school lunches, I think everyone should take some time to watch these two videos.

approach: I googled school lunches from other countries and watched a video about there school lunches VS our school lunches, every country had better looking lunches, the taste tester even though we can’t taste them, said very other countries lunches tasted better, as well the cost per plate was any where from .35 per plate an down, so that cost would not be a whole lot different as well in some cases might even be less then the food cost of the schools now, so I would say adapt to doing lunches like other countries and they would be healthier since other countries don’t allow all the stuff that’s in our foods now.
Maybe we can’t be like France and have professional chefs making the school lunches or Japan where they feed the kids in their separate classrooms and take naps after lunch but we sure can serve fresh foods to the kids here and have them cooked right

results: kids would be getting healthier fresher food, that taste as well look better to eat, less food being wasted, kid may learn better in class then now, most kids are hungry at the end of the day, because they don’t eat the food they get for lunches now.

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