Bring Back the Lunch Ladies

Stop serving our children processed food at schools. let’s cook them real hot lunches with REAL food.
Students in the classroom are struggling with cognition. There are many contributing factors to this one can argue… I think we can agree toxic ingredients in School lunches needs to be investigated and immediately addressed. There are scientific studies that have been conducted. I do not have the link at this time. Please post if you do. I believe Mike Adam may have done some of this research in his lab. I recall Sample lunches, being collected and sent in for analysis. I do not know whatever became of this data. I do know all school lunches are free in the state of California as of return to school post Covid closures. I’m curious if other states are also providing free school lunches to 100% of their student population. I’m very curious who is funding this free lunch for all program.


I am one of those “lunch ladies!” I work in the Nutrition Services program of Littleton Public Schools in Colorado. The state recently implemented the “free” school lunches program in 2022, by popular vote (this may be an actual, unmanipulated result). The funding appears to be federal reimbursement to school systems based on the accounting provided by the systems, but I am not sure of the percentages and allocations from state funds versus federal funds. The foods we serve taste good, but are received frozen and are still somewhat processed; they may contain soy protein products and some other additives I’d rather not see our children consume. We definitely need to eliminate these unhealthy extenders, additives, dyes, etcetera. Our school system is building a local food production center that will open next year, where we will be able to control the supply chain ourselves. I am hoping for the best, as I know our Nutrition Services team has the very best intentions! We do serve fresh fruits and vegetables daily, along with proteins and vegetarian options as entrees. The kids love the menu and most of the products, but I do believe we can revamp and improve the system to ensure our youth receives the best possible nutrition. This may seem trite, but the children are our FUTURE!


Since plans are to eliminate Dept of Education and bring that responsibility back to states - hopefully some of that budget can be used to feed our children hot, nutritious lunches.

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