Diabetic and people with autoimmune diseases should not have to see doctors continuously interfering in their Liberty just to obtain prescriptions that are of life long need. Patients should be able to continually get refills on the medications deemed necessary for life and only require prescription if a change is necessary. Routine labs orders should also be readily available and on order to track the effectiveness of treatment. Billions are spent in unecessary visits just so a doctor can put in refills for labs and prescriptions. People deserve the ability to live without these unnecessary barriers. There can be classes available to educate the patient on self management of both labs and prescriptions. Examples: type 1 diabetics and insulin- example 2 dermatomyositis or PAN vasculitis and low dose steroids needed to prevent mortality or increased morbidity. People need freedom when they have a life long ailment as it becomes part of who they are and they should not be forced to pay for unnecessary medical services just to live. If you have a license in a medical profession you should automatically qualify without further education needs
And when you sue the doctor because something went wrong as a result of loose follow ups?
Why would you sue the doctor? They don’t follow up even when you are paying for the visit. In fact by putting in routine labs as I suggested you would get proper follow up. And with a diabetic say a person who requires insulin to live since childhood, why would they need any follow up visits to get the medication that keeps them alive? An A1C is all that is needed and that to help them self regulate. If the script does not change and this person is always in good range with what they are taking they don’t need a doctor to give them what they need to live. They are more knowledgeable than the doctor in majority of cases. My family member who has had diabetes since childhood had his doctor withhold his diabetic supplies and scripts because he had to reschedule an appointment.
Someone with autoimmune disease who needs a low dose of steroid for life to maintain a proper homeostasis does not need to see a doctor when nothing has changed and they need the medication to live. The doctor can order proper labs and tests to assess if when needed. But if you will be on that med for 30 years you 100 percent don’t need to see a doctor to get what you need to take to live. And in fact it would take away risk for the doctor. The patient is obtaining the med themselves. I have been in medicine for 30 years. I know what I’m talking about.