It took me some time, and constant reminders to think selflessly, to get to this point:
Health Insurance is a front for huge fraud and theft.
We need to take back the freedom to manage our medical care however we see fit.
Doctors, hospitals, and pharma will have to earn our trust.
Capitalism will manage health care prices, if they want money they will compete on price or people will go elsewhere.
Employers and insurance administrators will no longer control our choices.
Put up to 100% gross, pre-tax, into an HSA with no spending restrictions.
Lawsuit protection for Doctors, no more malpractice insurance.
So much power and control has been eroded from individuals over the last few decades.
Return power and control to the people!
Outlaw Health Insurance!
Health insurance has distorted consumer and provider incentives and not helped health outcomes. Abolishing the health insurance racket might be the only effective way to correct and bring transparency to prices, in favor of consumers It would be a healthy choice both economically and well, for our health. And it would save the government trillions of dollars. To fill the gap, states should insure interest-free loans for high medical expenses. More healing disciplines must be added to the eligible funding categories including homeopathic and energy healing. Licensing should be abolished and replaced with earned credentials based on education, level of accomplishment, and customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction: this is a hard one. Prescribers who inappropriately or prescribe more loosely antibiotics, controlled substances, order more labs and imaging that patients demand to make them feel better (even though often not necessary which will drive up satisfaction scores but also unnecessary healthcare costs.
Patients do not know what’s medically necessary and while they may demand a benzodiazepine or a MRI it may not be medically necessary as determined by the physician.
Part of a physicians job is saying no to patients. Patients ofc will be dissatisfied!
What’s medically necessary should be a doctors decision though and not an insurance agent who never received medical training!