No prescription requirements on all pharmaceutical drugs. All people should be able to buy ivermectin or amoxicillin or any other drug without a doctors prescription. Walk-in, order, buy, walk-out.
I get it, however do you mean any and every prescription? There are many drugs available that can cause many issues like certain medications becoming more available on the streets, addiction, and overall misuse that really should be monitored by a professional. Not to mention those who use Dr. Google, and try to get medication for a self diagnosed problem and accidentally poisoning themselves or someone else.
Yes to ivermectin, and even mebendazole and all the de-wormer types of medicines because they stay in the gut and aren’t metabolized in the liver. BUT - the problem is, antibiotics DESTROY the gut and cause many many long term problems even if they appear to “cure” your acute ailment. We already overuse antibiotics and have created super-bugs, or antibiotic resistant strains of infection. Uneducated parents would dose their children on these without restraint, resulting in chronic health problems. Pediatricians give antibiotics for EAR infections which are already a sign of impaired immunity and are 80% viral. It’s very problematic. Additionally, prescription drugs kill 100,000 Americans every year and those cases were “properly” dosed. Pharma drugs without restraint would be detrimental. We need education on the root causes of disease and insurance reform to cover real cures with doctors who cannot currently accept insurance because they are getting folks WELL.