Without an accurate census of citizens our country has given an improper level of influence to those cities (NYC) and states (CA) who have deemed themselves a ‘sanctuary’ from our laws. They have literally watered down the voices (votes) of each citizen by counting noncitizens in their numbers and affording them representation.
These fraudulent population counts have granted more seats to states that wish to harm our Republic and build a socialist utopia. This fraudulent census has also allowed states to over represent, within their own state, areas with large noncitizen populations which results in changes to our state legislatures and creates the very infrastructure that allows this contrived demand to thrive. There willingness and effort to welcome and import immigrants illegally into our country to count them in their numbers has allowed states like CA an immeasurable number of extra seats in the people’s House of Representatives which has led to our tax dollars being wasted on Impeachments and our House Committees being run by Democrats when in reality a more conservative tone would have likely taken root. It has impacted our spending bills and given us CRs and more Omnibus bills.
We must get a handle on the actual number of citizens in our country. This will illuminate the scope and scale of the other problems we hope to tackle and return an equal voice to each vote.
- Real Number of Illegal Immigrants
- Gain equal voice for every citizen
- Real cost to benefit ratio of their presence
- Understand their impact on communities (i.e., school systems, workforce, infrastructure demands, healthcare) using comparative data
- Distribution of deportation resources
- and much much more